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Application Security

The latest News and Information on Application Security including monitoring, testing, and open source.

Indigov's security team uses Datadog Cloud SIEM & Log Management to reduce mean time to respond

Watch this video to learn about how Indigov’s Security team (that runs their SOC, compliance program, and operations to support developers throughout the software development lifecycle) has deemed Cloud SIEM as one of the easiest and most integrated platforms to drive down response time from hours to minutes. Datadog Log Management has helped Indigov centralize all disparate data into one spot and Datadog Cloud SIEM’s out of the box detection rules and workflows have helped to capture their incident response process–driving response time down from hours to minutes!

Get Management Buy-in with AppSec Metrics

Getting management to back your application security plans can be a tough sell. Metrics are vital because they help you understand how effective your initial cybersecurity measures are and how to turn them into measurable data that's easy for everyone to understand. This article will explore how to use metrics to get the support you need and make your application security programs more effective.

New ESG Research Report Outlines Best Practices for Effective Application Security Programs

New research from TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) has identified that organizations’ application security programs struggle to keep up with the pace of software development, and it reveals best practices to secure modern software applications.