GDPR Compliance with Netwrix solutions

GDPR Compliance with Netwrix solutions

Jun 16, 2020

Netwrix helps organizations prepare for GDPR compliance audits and ensure the security of the personal data of EU citizens.

How can you spare yourself tons of stress in audit preparation, avoid being the next GDPR breach headline and keep your customers in the EU? Netwrix can help you secure the data you store about EU citizens, uphold their rights and prove your compliance to auditors.
Ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the personal data of EU citizens

  • Identify the biggest risks in your infrastructure, especially those related to data, and get the intelligence you need to reduce them.
  • Streamline regular privilege attestations to ensure that the sensitive data of EU citizens can be accessed only by authorized personnel.
  • Detect any personal data of EU citizens that surfaces outside of a secure location so you can protect it properly.

Improve your ability to detect threats and data breaches

  • Establish full accountability for every attempt to access, alter or delete the personal information of EU citizens.
  • Tailor alerts to your exact specifications to ensure you are notified of activity that might indicate a data breach, so you can take action immediately.
  • Identify the top threat actors in your environment using risk-based behavior anomaly discovery, and quickly investigate whether the personal data of EU citizens was breached.
    Achieve and demonstrate GDPR compliance
  • Kick-start your compliance program and easily prepare for audits using out-of-the-box predefined GDPR taxonomies and compliance reports mapped to the law’s key IT requirements.
  • If auditors have unexpected questions, find the exact piece of evidence you need on the spot.
  • Automate the process of finding all data you store about a particular EU citizen to ensure you can respond promptly to data subject access requests while minimizing the effort and other costs involved.