Exchange Online Classification

Exchange Online Classification

Oct 19, 2021

Watch this quick tip that shows admins how Egnyte classifies sensitive content found in Exchange Online email repositories.

Egnyte enables you to securely share content, by using links. But, we know that email attachments are also a common method for your users to send and receive sensitive information. Ensure you have full visibility into where all of your sensitive content resides by adding Exchange Online as a content source for email classification.

  • Egnyte will classify and locate sensitive content based on the same classification policies you have configured for your other content sources.
  • Sensitive information will be flagged in the bodies of your emails, as well as associated email attachments. -
  • Flagged content is grouped by email thread and includes all of the messages, replies, and forwards so you can easily find the most sensitive discussions that took place over email.
  • Locate your sensitive content no matter where it resides!