The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how the world works. Machine to machine (M2M) communication simply makes for faster, more timely, and transparent connections, thereby saving us a lot of time and money. In the hands of the right people, the IoT has great potential to improve quality of life. But some people have found a way to exploit the IoT for their own gain. They do this through the IoT botnet.
Developers the world over depend on the Apache Struts open source framework to build valuable and powerful applications. This open source component and the Apache Software Foundation that stands behind it have provided organizations with a cost-effective force multiplier that allows their teams to develop faster and more efficiently. A very active project, GitHub shows Apache Struts as having 5,441 commits and 112 releases.
Tripwire for DevOps continues to add new features and capabilities. The newest of these is the ability to perform vulnerability scans against Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) in the same Tripwire for DevOps workflow used for your Docker containers. This blog will discuss the creation of AMIs and how to audit them for vulnerabilities within Tripwire for DevOps.