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Decentralized Identity 101: How It Works with Government and Private Wallets

Whether it’s logging into social media, making an online purchase, or accessing government services, digital IDs are a popular way to verify a person online across various apps and platforms. However, the challenge arises when you need to manage and secure all your digital IDs, like email addresses, credentials, and personal information. Well, the way digital identities are managed today often involves a centralized system like social media apps and platforms, which can leave individuals vulnerable.

How to Secure Your Digital Identity?

As everything is moving online these days, from shopping to healthcare, the need for stronger, more secure authentication methods has become important. This is especially true at a time when cases of identity theft have skyrocketed globally. Recent reports have shown that identity theft cases resulted in a whopping $23 billion in losses in 2023 alone. This indicates that both businesses and consumers are feeling the heat.

How to Prevent Factory Reset on Android Work Devices?

Keeping your Android work devices safe from unwanted factory resets is really important for businesses today. Let’s learn how Mobile Device Management (MDM) can help prevent the misuse of Android work devices from unauthorized hard and soft resets, making it an easy way to protect your data and keep everything working smoothly!

Thick Client Single Sign-On (SSO)

Are you tired of remembering passwords for all your thick client apps, or are you leaving your passwords at vulnerable places and entering them manually every time? Try miniOrange Thick Client Single Sign-on for seamless and secure access. Log in once to miniOrange dashboard and install our desktop software to access all your standalone thick client applications running, boosting your productivity and security.

Cybersecurity Expert Gaurav Sood Addresses Digital Arrest Scams on CNBC Awaaz | miniOrange

@NarendraModi Calls for Vigilance and Warns of “Digital Arrest” Scams in Digital arrest' frauds have reached alarming levels in India, with losses exceeding ₹120 crore to scammers posing as law enforcement. These fraudsters prey on victims by threatening arrest and demanding large sums as bail or clearance fees. Recent cases reveal that 46% of these attackers operate from Southeast Asia, deceiving individuals with claims of illegal goods or fake documents in their names.

5 Key Benefits of Modern Identity Solutions for Your Business [Webinar]

In this exclusive miniOrange webinar, we explore the key advantages of modern identity solutions tailored for various industries. Our experts discuss how Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Privileged Access Management (PAM) can enhance security, improve user experiences, and streamline processes for businesses. Topics Covered: Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more informative webinars and updates. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to us at