Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Beyond the noise: runtime-based vulnerability management for effective threat control

In an ideal world, patching every vulnerability before attackers discover them would be a breeze. The reality of the evolving cloud-native landscape, with its ever-changing mix of cloud, DevOps, mobile, and critical infrastructure, paints a different picture. New risks emerge constantly, leaving traditional vulnerability management approaches struggling to keep up. Meanwhile, Security and DevOps teams face ongoing pressure to protect their organizations from vulnerabilities.

Kubernetes Security Best Practices for Security Professionals

As containerized applications become the norm, the complexities of securing these dynamic, scalable environments demand a fresh perspective on traditional security practices. While Kubernetes streamlines deployment and management, it also introduces a new layer of attack surface, necessitating a nuanced approach to threat mitigation.

Are you looking for vulnerabilities in the right places?

With the rapid pace of technological evolution, ensuring security within the systems we operate and the software we deploy has never been more crucial. In the world of vulnerability management, we’ve moved from scanning Linux hosts to scrutinizing container images. However, are we looking for vulnerabilities in the right places?

Mastering Kubernetes in on-premises environments

In the era of cloud computing, Kubernetes has emerged as a true cornerstone of cloud-native technologies. It’s an orchestration powerhouse for application containers, automating their deployment, scaling, and operations across multiple clusters. Kubernetes isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a paradigm shift that underpins the scalability and agility of modern software.

Why context matters in Kubernetes security

There are things in the world that are absolute, and there are things that are relative. For example, it is an absolute truth that the middle three Star Wars episodes were better than the prequel three. But if we are talking about security, it is mostly accepted to be relative as it is a well-accepted thesis that there is no absolute security. Every system can eventually be broken. Like in the joke about the two folks who are attacked by a lion.

ARMO announces new Slack integration

We’re thrilled to introduce a fresh ARMO app designed exclusively for Slack, delivering notifications directly to the channels where your teams focus on tackling security concerns related to Misconfiguration, Vulnerabilities, and Compliance. This integration ensures that your DevSecOps teams receive timely notifications within their preferred collaboration platform, empowering them to take immediate action.

Don't get hacked! Apply the right vulnerability metrics to Kubernetes scans

This is not a beginner’s blog post. As such, we will not tell you about the importance of securing your Kubernetes infrastructure (it’s important). However, if you are here to learn about increasing the efficiency of your security work and the blind spots you may have, you have come to the right place. You may have heard of and are already using CVSS as your gold standard for vulnerability prioritization.

2023 Kubernetes vulnerabilities roundup

Transparency in vulnerability disclosure plays a crucial role in effective risk management, regardless of software development models. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database serves as a valuable resource, offering insights into known weaknesses even when fixes are unavailable. This empowers organizations to make informed decisions about prioritizing mitigation strategies and protecting their systems.