Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Visualizing RBAC for Improved Security Management and Outcomes

RBAC management is crucial to securing a Kubernetes cluster and ensuring compliance with regulations and industry standards. ARMO Platform includes an RBAC visualizer allowing administrators to see which privileges are assigned to any given user. Role-based access control—commonly known as RBAC—is the practice of assigning access to an organization’s resources whereby the level of access privilege depends upon an individual’s role in the organization.

Secure your Kubernetes clusters with the Kubescape Docker extension

Container adoption in enterprises continues to grow, and Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for deploying and operating containerized applications. At the same time, security is shifting left and should be addressed earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Security has morphed from being a static gateway at the end of the development process to something that (ideally) is embedded every step of the way. This can potentially increase the effort for engineering and DevOps teams.

Kubescape brings a new level of security to Charmed Kubernetes

The popular open-source platform Kubescape by ARMO has been recently announced as a fully managed operator called a Charm for Canonical’s Charmed Kubernetes distribution. This collaboration between Canonical and ARMO is exciting for the solution it enables for end users, ultimately resulting in hardened and more secure Kubernetes environments.

CNCF accepts Kubescape as its first security and compliance scanner project

Kubescape, an end-to-end open-source Kubernetes security platform, embarks on a new journey. Kubescape, created by ARMO, will fully migrate to the CNCF. This coincides with the launch of ARMO Platform, a hosted, managed security solution powered by Kubescape.

CVE-2022-47633: Kyverno's container image signature verification can be bypassed by a malicious registry or proxy

Security researchers at ARMO have found a high-severity vulnerability in the Kyverno admission controller container image signature verification mechanism. The vulnerability enables an attacker who is either running a malicious container image registry or is able to act as a proxy between the registry and Kyverno, to inject unsigned images into the protected cluster, bypassing the image verification policy. The vulnerability was introduced in version 1.8.3 and was fixed in version 1.8.5.

What is RCE in Kubernetes?

A detailed overview of the Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks, how it affects the Kubernetes infrastructure, and how the vulnerabilities of the K8 systems can be mitigated. Remote Code Execution (RCE) is a vulnerability in systems that cybercriminals can exploit to perform attacks. In RCE attacks, hackers execute malicious code in target systems remotely, irrespective of their location on the network. That’s because they don’t need the target systems to have the execution functionality.