Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


What is Your Data Worth in the Fight Against Fraud?

You don’t need us to tell you that fraud and financial crime is on the rise. A quick google search will give you endless stats to support this claim. Fraud losses are increasing as a percentage of revenue, and that direct impact on the bottom line isan area of laser focus for senior execs.

3 Tips for Building a Strong Unified Cloud Security Strategy

In a world full of threats targeting data as well as stringent compliance mandates, it’s never been more important to create a strong unified cloud security strategy. But as cloud environments become more complex and diverse, it’s also never been more difficult. Even if you’re partnering with a notably secure provider, it’s still important to understand your security responsibility and to be proactive about protecting your data in the cloud.

Your Employees Are Superheroes, but This Superpower Might Be a Security Risk

Many people are working from home (WFH) now and will be for at least the next few weeks. The VPN and TLS connections that remote workers rely on allow for secure access, and although these are not new connection types to monitor, the current WFH situation has created a significant increase in the number of these connections you must monitor. This new WFH scenario has made one thing easier: mobile users are no longer mobile.

How to Use Splunk Security Solutions to Improve Incident Response: Lessons Learned from the GE Digital Predix SOC Team

As the responsibilities of the Security Operation Center (SOC) continue to increase, SOC teams are experiencing increased demand on their time and resources. Scaling a security team with little resources and funds can prove extremely difficult, especially when the incident response team spends most of their time chasing alerts.

Protecting Your Assets: It's Not Just About Servers and Laptops!

In most of our blogs, we spend a TON of time going on about protecting our endpoints, looking at sysmon, checking the firewall, correlating IDS data and the like… Today, we're going to shift gears a bit and look at security from a different angle. Recently, there has been a tremendous focus on the shifting paradigm of a workforce that primarily resides in corporate offices, to a highly virtual workforce sitting at their kitchen tables.

Ransomware: How to Combat a Growing Threat to Your Organization

Ransomware is a serious threat to institutions of all kinds, resulting in mounting costs for organizations that must literally pay ransom to regain access to their essential systems. A ransomware attack takes place when a cybercriminal denies an organization access to the data it needs to conduct business, usually by encrypting the data with a secret key. The attacker then offers to reveal the encryption key in exchange for a payment. The payment can vary in amount or kind.

Between Two Alerts: Phishing Emails - Don't Get Reeled In!

Potential attackers are really good at what they do. Security analysts see this firsthand with the amount of phishing emails their organizations see daily. A newly released State of the Phish report reveals that nearly 90% of organizations dealt with business email compromise (BEC) attacks in 2019. End users reported 9.2 million suspicious phishing emails globally for the year.

Zoom in on Security in a Remote Work World

Our world has been turned upside down by COVID-19. Whether it's strategically planning our grocery run decontamination process, or trying to keep the kids quiet for even one single moment while on a conference call — things are different. One very evident difference is the change in the way we meet with each other. And one technology enabling this change is Zoom.