Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Splunk Live Chat with The Hill: Cybersecurity Trends in the Public Sector

Join the LIVE cybersecurity discussion featuring: Topic: How cybersecurity in the public sector space has shifted over the course of the last year due to the introduction of cybersecurity legislation and federal agencies’ focus on Zero Trust as well as key federal certifications like FedRAMP and IL5.

Listen To Those Pipes: Part 1

If you haven’t already read the episode on process hunting, I recommend that you go back and do so, at least for a couple of my jokes, and to help keep our clicks/metrics up. Where that episode concentrated on tracking processes, this blog will concentrate on, you guessed it, pipes. And due to the depth I tried to go with this one, it has been split into a two-part series, so make sure to come back for the second part after you’ve finished this one.

Splunk For OT Security: Perimeter And Vulnerability Evolution

Owners and operators of Operational Technology (OT) environments are being increasingly tasked with providing more information and security controls for their OT Environments, whether those demands are driven by the board, executive orders, or new regulations. One of the biggest fallacies that we encounter when our customers begin monitoring their OT environment is the idea that OT systems are air gapped and completely isolated from IT systems.

Hyperledger Fabric Security Monitoring with Splunk

In this post, we demonstrate how to set up effective security monitoring of your Hyperledger Fabric infrastructure. We identify some common threats, recognize key data sources to monitor, and walk through using Splunk to ingest and visualize your data. This post follows Introducing Splunk App for Hyperledger Fabric and highlights the use of the app for security monitoring of blockchain infrastructure. We will address smart contract/chaincode security & monitoring in a follow-up post.

Securing DevSecOps - Threat Research Release October 2021

DevSecOps stands for Development, Security and Operations. This is a practice aimed to automate or design security integration throughout the software development lifecycle or workflow. Nowadays, collaborative frameworks and projects that share security protocols from end to end are really common, so DevSecOps practices attempt to emphasize building infrastructure with a strong security foundation and stable automation workflow and phases. Watch the video below to learn more about Securing DevSecOps.