Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Lessons learned from the Argo CD zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2022-24348)

On January 30, 2022, , the Argo CD team was contacted by researchers at Apiiro regarding a vulnerability they had discovered in the popular continuous delivery platform that could allow bad actors to steal sensitive information from deployments. The Argo CD team was able to quickly develop fixes for all three of their currently supported releases and publish them to their users within 48 hours.

SAST and SCA: Better together with Snyk

As applications become more complex, so does the task of securing them. While the source code making up applications consists of proprietary code, a great deal of it is also third-party, open source code. Development and security teams looking to release secure code while also maintaining a rapid pace of development, need to therefore combine static application security testing (SAST) and software composition analysis (SCA) as part of a comprehensive software security strategy.

The Big Fix 2022 - Getting started with VS Code IDE security fixes

The Big Fix brings together developers, DevOps, and security practitioners of all skill levels to help make the internet more secure. Our goal is to make security 100x better in 2022 by finding and fixing 202,200 security vulnerabilities! Join us to help find and fix security vulnerabilities while making friends and winning swag. In this short video Developersteve will help you get started finding security vulnerabilities in your applications using VS Code's Snyk extension to scan a project's manifest (open source libraries!) as well as your own code (static application security testing!)

Using Pulumi to automate the Snyk Kubernetes integration for containers

We have all heard of the term infrastructure as code (IaC), however code in this context is not really code in the sense of a programming language. IaC usually refers to the configuration of infrastructure via tools like Terraform, CloudFormation, Kubernetes YAML, or Azure Resource Manager templates, which is really the definition of how the infrastructure will be created.

Join "The Big Fix" to secure your projects with Snyk and earn cool swag

What if there was a large, global event dedicated to finding and fixing security vulnerabilities in both open and closed-source software? An event that brings developers, DevOps, and security practitioners of all skill levels and backgrounds together to collectively make the software world more secure? Well, I’m excited to announce that Snyk has made this a reality by launching The Big Fix — a month-long event that’s running now!

How to Use the Snyk CLI to Fix Vulnerabilities in Your Application: The Big Fix

Brian Vermeer, Developer Advocate at Snyk, demonstrates how you can use the Snyk CLI to fix vulnerabilities in your application. Join us for The Big Fix, an event that brings developers and security practitioners round the world to find and fix vulnerabilities. Let's make the Internet a safer and better place than before!

Triaging vulnerabilities - the way it ought to be

We all know that shifting security left is the right approach for securing our apps. We also know that it isn’t enough - developers also need to be empowered to own security. They require tools that integrate into the way they are already working and they need guidance and assistance from the security team. This is especially true for the most challenging vulnerabilities of all: those that are not so easy to fix, but too important to ignore.

Log4Shell remediation with Snyk by the numbers

We’re almost two months from the disclosure of Log4Shell, and we here at Snyk couldn’t be more excited with the role we’ve gotten to play in finding and fixing this critical vulnerability that’s impacted so many Java shops. For starters, we’ve been able to help our customers remediate Log4Shell 100x faster than the industry average! How have we been able to achieve that?