Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Considerations for taking the CompTIA Security+ exam

I recently took – and passed – the CompTIA Security+ exam (Sec+). Sec+ is a general introduction to multiple functional areas of security, ranging from network security to access control and identity management, for anyone looking to break into the space. For context, I have no previous training as a network or security professional, and my educational background was finance and Russian, nothing related to security.

Data Privacy Is Our Birthright - national cybersecurity month

Never before in history has the concept of identity been so vital. To a large extent, everything we rely on to live our lives depends on who we are… or perhaps more accurately, who we can prove ourselves to be. Our data has come to be the standard by which we define ourselves. Because this identity-defining data is online, the protection of our data is of paramount importance.

Why SIEM is here to stay: Part 2

Organizations are stretched thin managing increasingly complex environments and ever-expanding threat landscapes. At the same time, adversaries are becoming more organized and sophisticated, resulting in more complex and advanced threats. The current workflow in the Security Operations Center (SOC) – how data is analyzed and acted on – is simply not working. There are too many tools, not enough visibility, and burned-out analysts.

Tracking Malicious Activity across the Sumo Attack Lifecycle

In modern network security monitoring, it is not enough to just detect bad things happening. ROI of security operations is always under scrutiny. Security teams, when they exist, and their leadership (CISOs), continually struggle to get budget, at least until a public breach occurs.

Pokemon - Next Generation SOC From Theory to Practice

This session will focus on developing a modern security operations center (SOC) from the ground up leveraging progressive technologies and process. Pokemon will cover the original plan and execution strategy over the past 18 months. They will also highlight Sumo Logic's role in both security architecture and operations and map the map ahead for both Sumo and our SOC.

The 4 Pillars of DevSecOps Observability

As modern development teams continue to own more of the full lifecycle of microservices, it is time to add a new pillar to the 3 pillars of Observability -Security. Learn how, with an integrated analytics platform approach, you can combine log, metrics, and traces with security events to provide true, meaningful DevSecOps visibility. We will cover how it is possible to bring both a DevOps and a SecOps perspective together and enable your team to move faster, and more confidently, forward.

What is Log Auditing?

If you are involved with cyber security, you must have heard log auditing. In this article we discuss the importance and benefits of log auditing and how it can help improving the security posture of your networks. The definition of audit log (also known as audit trail) is quite straightforward. When the system is applied a change, it leads to a parallel one in the behaviour of the system. This change in the behaviour must be recorded in an audit log.

What is log aggregation and monitoring relation in cybersecurity?

Logs are the cornerstone in today’s cybersecurity monitoring, investigation, and forensics. According to a Fortune 500 report, an organization’s IT infrastructure can generate up to 10 Terabytes of log data per month. In this post, we will learn about log aggregation and monitoring; then analyze how they can help businesses to strength their cybersecurity posture.