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State Security Breach Notification Laws

A security breach is defined as any unauthorized access or acquisition that compromises the security, confidentiality, integrity or availability of covered information, systems, and applications. Recent years have seen significant amounts of legislative activity related to state data breach notification laws. South Dakota and Alabama enacted new data breach notification laws in 2019, becoming the last of 50 U.S. states to enact such laws.

Dark Web Recruitment of Employees Puts Organizations at Risk

The idea of your employees being solicited on the Dark Web isn’t a hypothetical; it’s real, it’s tempting, and it’s lucrative. We’ve written previously about the dangers of the Dark Web and why you need to be paying attention as an employer. One of the realities of the dark web is the issue of recruitment.

6 Steps to Performing a Cybersecurity Risk Assesment

If you ever purchased a “one-size-fits-all” item of clothing, you know that it’s never really going to fit everyone. Some people are too shirt and others too tall. Most cybersecurity standards and regulatory requirements recognize the same limitations apply to cybersecurity. Multinational corporations have different needs when compared to small and mid-sized organizations.

SIEM: What Is It, and Why Does Your Business Need It?

Security information and event management (SIEM) technology is transforming the way IT teams identify cyber threats, collect and analyze threat data and respond to security incidents. But what does that all mean? To better understand SIEM, let's take a look at SIEM technology, how it works and its benefits.

Cybersecurity Documentation: The Best Defense Is a Good Offense

Most people do not regard their cybersecurity and privacy documentation as a proactive security measure. On the contrary, many oftentimes view documentation as a passive effort that offers little protection to a company, generally an afterthought that must be addressed to appease compliance efforts.

In-House Counsel: Best Legal Practices in Data Breaches

The likelihood that your organization will suffer a material data breach in the next 2 years is nearly 28%, and that’s higher than last year’s risk according to The Ponemon Institute’s 2018 Cost of a Data Breach Study: Global Overview. Counsel’s best strategy is to insist on a strong organizational plan to quickly and effectively respond to data breaches and, ultimately, prevent them in the future.

The shortage of women in cyber security

In an age pushing for diversity, is it fair to say cyber security is still an industry dominated by men? A quick Google search seems to suggest so. Admittedly, “cyber security industry male dominated” is a somewhat loaded search, but the point still stands. By simply peering over my monitor and surveying the Bulletproof office, I am greeted by the many grizzled faces of men staring fixedly at their screens hard at work, or at least pretending to be.

French Data Protection Authority fines Google Euro50 million under the GDPR

France’s national data protection authority (CNIL — Commission Nationale de l’informatique et des Libertés) ordered its first sanction under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, or as commonly called as the GDPR. In this sanction, the CNIL fined Google a whopping €50 million because of Google’s failure to comply with the GDPR provisions when a user sets up his new Android phone and follows the subsequent process.