
ELK Stack Comparison

Enterprises are dealing with a rapidly changing and growing IT environment that includes traditional systems and desktops as well as cloud resources and an ever-changing constellation of edge computing devices. Enterprises facing the difficult choice among "build your own," "buy solutions from their suppliers," or integrating open source projects would be well served by learning more about Devo.

Suggestions to business organizations regarding security operations center and log management?

Logsign is a full feature, all-in-one SIEM solution which unifies Log Management, Security Analytics and Compliance. Smartly designed, NoSQL and hdfs embedded architecture keeps the capabilities of clustering, vertical and horizontal scalability, support for both centralized and distributed scenarios, fast indexing and real time monitoring.

In-house v. Cloud-based Log Management

Data generated by various devices connected in a network and operations being carried out on them is called as log data and we have already discussed why log management is important, considering the exponentially increasing number of attacks and their sophistication. Further, in the last blog post, we dealt with questions that you must your cloud-based log management service provider.

How Can Logs Be Useful?

From performance information to fault and intrusion detection, logs can provide you a lot more things with regard to what is happening on your systems and network along with the timestamps and order of the events. Logs can be invaluable for resource management, instruction detection, and troubleshooting. More importantly, logs can provide an admissible evidence for forensic purposes in the aftermath of an incident. The following sections provide a deep dive into some use-cases of logs.

Questions You Should Ask Your Cloud-Based Log Management Service Provider

The log management service is often outsourced to a third-party service provider due to the complexity of the process involved in the collection of logs. When a business plans for outsourcing log management to a service provider, business requirements must be given a top-most priority. To start with, a business must identify the goals it desires to accomplish through log management. After locating the required resources, the decision-making body should select a vendor for availing its services.