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A CISO's View on the State of API Security: Discussing the API ThreatStats Report, Q2 2024

API exploits represent one of the fastest growing threat vectors–a trend that will continue to accelerate as the increasingly AI-driven digital economy grows. Join veteran CISO and application security expert Mike Wilkes and Wallarm’s VP of Product, Tim Erlin, as they discuss the state of API security and where it is heading. Drawing upon their extensive industry experience as well as insights drawn from the Wallarm API ThreatStats Report Q2, 2024.

A CISO's Checklist For Securing APIs And Applications

Building a robust API and application security program is a key objective for security leaders in any market. But developing and maintaining an effective security program for your APIs and web applications requires: ‍- A deep understanding of the right approach to implementing API and application security.

AI in API Security: How Artificial Intelligence Enhances API Protection"

Explore how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing API security by detecting and mitigating threats in real-time. In this video, we discuss the growing importance of AI in safeguarding APIs against malicious attacks and how it helps organizations stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

API Security Best Practice by GigaOm #apisecurity #apiattacks #apimonitoring #cybersecurity

In this video, we highlight the most critical criteria for effective API security, helping you understand what to prioritize in your security strategy. Learn how to evaluate and implement key API security measures to protect your organization from growing cyber threats.

API Leaks: Identifying and Preventing Data Exposure

In this video, we explore the growing concern of API leaks and how they can lead to significant data exposure. Learn about the key strategies for identifying and preventing API leaks to protect your organization’s sensitive information. Our experts provide actionable insights on mitigating risks associated with API vulnerabilities.

API Attacks: Understanding Malicious and Malformed Threats

This video dives into two critical categories of API attacks: malicious intentions and malformed API threats. Learn why these dangers are becoming increasingly significant for modern companies and how API security can help prevent major incidents. Experts from GigaOm and Wallarm discuss how to identify and mitigate these vulnerabilities to ensure the safety of your data.