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Unified Agent - WhiteSource CLI

This is the fourth video in a series describing how the WhiteSource Unified agent can be used to detect open source artifacts and their known vulnerabilities and licensing risks. This video will focus on performing a scan with the WhiteSource CLI which is a lightweight version of the unified agent that is designed for immediate feedback on a user's desktop.

WhiteSource - Prevent the preventable. Remediate the rest

WhiteSource helps organizations accelerate‌ the development of secure software ‌at‌ ‌scale‌. We provide automated tools that help bridge the security knowledge gap, integrating easily into the software development life cycle and going beyond detection with a remediation-first approach. WhiteSource is built on the most comprehensive vulnerability database in the industry, providing the widest coverage for threats and attack vectors. Our solution helps enterprises like Microsoft, IBM, Comcast, Philips, and many more reduce security risk and increase the productivity of their security and development teams.

AppSec: Pushing Left, Like A Boss

With incident response and penetration testing currently receiving most of our application security dollars, it would appear that industry has decided to treat the symptom instead of the disease. “Pushing left” refers to starting security earlier in the SDLC; addressing the problem throughout the process. From scanning your code with a vulnerability scanner to red team exercises, developer education programs and bug bounties, this talk will show you how to ‘push left', like a boss.