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Mend CLI

The Mend CLI tool is a great way to embed a Mend scan into any script, like adding it to your pipeline, because it runs and returns results directly in the command line. It can scan proprietary source code or open source libraries from the command line, and return known security vulnerabilities in the open source, or potential security issues in your proprietary code. This is an initial video overview of how to use the Mend CLI to scan your source code

Mend SAST Administration - User Interface Walkthrough

Mend SAST is a SAST (Static Application Security Testing) solution for performing deep and extensive security analysis of application source code. Mend SAST is easy to use, requires almost no user input, and can be deployed during or after development with easy integration into a DevOps environment and CI/CD pipeline. The solution provides an excellent way to automate code inspection as an alternative to the demanding and time-consuming procedure of manual code reviews. Mend SAST supports all major languages and their frameworks, from Android Java to Xamarin C#.

Secure your application development with AWS and Mend

Mend, formerly known as WhiteSource, effortlessly secures what developers create. Mend uniquely removes the burden of application security, allowing development teams to deliver quality, secure code, faster. With a proven track record of successfully meeting complex and large-scale application security needs, the world’s most demanding software developers rely on Mend. The company has more than 1,000 customers, including 25 percent of the Fortune 100, and manages Renovate, the open source automated dependency update project.