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A View of Cyber Security from a National & Regulatory Viewpoint

In this 25 minute video, we take a look at the state of cybercrime and security from a national and regulatory standpoint. We know that there are problems with our existing cyber security - whether that's within CNI and governments or organisations, large or small. The Colonial Pipeline hack is evidence enough.

How to Secure Your Supply Chain

We've talked about supply chain security before but it's a trend that doesn't appear to be going away - indeed, the number of attacks on service providers only seems to be increasing. Outsourcing is always a strategic risk for any business, but knowing that these attacks are getting more prevalent, what do you need to be doing to make sure your supply chain in secure? We talk about what needs considering to ensure your data isn't compromised by third party security issues. (Start at 7 mins 33 secs to skip to the 'how to').

How To Secure Your Environment Against Ransomware

Ransomware has been the biggest cybersecurity problem of 2021, with yet another service provider hit this week. We've had our warning shots - now is the time to rethink our Defence in Depth strategy and learn from the mistakes of other organisations. We run through what you need to be considering and adding to your security strategies in order to protect yourself from what is becoming a very real and very possible threat.

Spotlight on Technology - Encryption

In our new series, Spotlight on Technology, we invite experts from different areas of cyber security to talk to us about their specialisms. First up, we take a look at encryption with James Rees MD of Razorthorn, a cyber security consultancy & Scott Glazer from Atakama, New York based multifactor encryption software specialists. 80% of companies hit by ransomware are hit twice in a short space of time – 45% of the time by the same attacker as the initial breach. We need to take a new approach to defend against this modern day threat.

The PCI DSS Series - Beginning at the End

Becoming PCI DSS compliant can be a long journey and we like to begin, possibly controversially, with requirement 12 of the 12 PCI DSS Compliance Requirements. This requirement includes information security governance and there's a lot in there about your security policies. Why begin here, you might ask? Well, watch on...

The PCI DSS Series - Top 10 Myths

There are plenty of myths and misconceptions around PCI DSS. This video guides you through this minefield - making sure you understand each myth can not only make the PCI DSS compliance process easier but also more successful. Jim shares his 10+ years' experience as a QSA to explain where these misconceptions come from and how to successfully work around them.

Should Paying a Ransom be Illegal?

We're never ones to shy away from a good debate, as you'll know if you've been following us for a while. It's a popular opinion at the moment, if you follow the chat online, to make it illegal to pay the ransom following a hack which, in theory, certainly has some merit... Unless you've been living under a rock recently, you'll know that ransomware attacks are on the rise and despite the hackers supposedly having certain 'ethics' about avoiding essential service providers, it seems that no organisation is safe from attack.

Coffee with Jim - Thoughts on the Ransomware Pandemic

Following the ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline, it's emerged over the weekend that at least 4 other organisations have also been hit, including an Irish healthcare organisation. It's clear that this increase in ransomware attacks is coming at a time when our security may still be running at lower levels, resulting from the emergency measures taken when everyone started working from home.