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Log4j Log4Shell Vulnerability: All You Need To Know

On December 9, 2021, a researcher from the Alibaba Cloud Security Team dropped a zero-day remote code execution exploit on Twitter, targeting the extremely popular log4j logging framework for Java. Since then, the trivially exploitable (weaponized PoCs are available publicly) and extremely popular library has reportedly been massively exploited and has gotten wide coverage on media and social networks.

Kroger Uses JFrog Xray for Software Security and License Compliance

Kroger leverages the JFrog platform to give developers visibility into their software vulnerabilities and make informed decisions on what to fix. See how Kroger has implemented secure DevOps processes with automated vulnerability scanning and open-source software (OSS) license compliance capabilities to support their development and security teams.

What's New in Software Supply Chain Security

With new software supply chain attacks reaching the spotlight at an accelerating pace, security research uncovering novel attack methods, and new mandates and guidelines starting to come into effect -- it can be hard to stay on top of the latest developments and their implications. Catch this session as we break down the recent news related to software supply chain security and what you can do to meet new requirements and protect your software from such attacks.

Risk Mitigation Strategies for Tcp/IP Vulnerabilities in OT

JFrog in collaboration with Forescout Research Labs recently released the fourth study from Project Memoria - the industry’s most comprehensive study of TCP/IP vulnerabilities. INFRA:HALT covers 14 vulnerabilities affecting the popular closed source TCP/IP stack NicheStack. These vulnerabilities can cause Denial of Service or Remote Code Execution, allowing attackers to take targeted OT and ICS devices offline or take control of them.