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FROGBOT : Securing your git repository! What is new!

GitHub Security Alerts! Support for Yarn 2... Frogbot scans every pull request created for security vulnerabilities with JFrog Xray and in version 2.3.2 it even opens pull requests for upgrading vulnerable dependencies to a version with a fix! With Frogbot installed, you can make sure that new pull requests don’t add new security vulnerabilities to your code base alongside them. If they do, the creator of the pull request has the opportunity to change the code before it is merged.

Black Hat 2022: The CVSS Fallacy - can you trust the world's most popular vulnerability metric?

The NVD defines one of the usages of CVSS as “a factor in prioritization of vulnerability remediation” and it is the current de-facto vulnerability metric, often seen as infallible guidance and a crucial element in many compliance processes. In our session we will go over real-world CVE examples, demonstrating cases and entire categories where CVSSv3.1 falls short of providing an accurate assessment, both due to its design and its various mishandlings. The session will also touch upon specific indicators in the CVE description that can raise the confidence in a CVSS score, and vice versa.

rusted SBOMs delivered with the JFrog Platform and Azure

SBOMs provide essential visibility into all the components that make up a piece of software and detail how it was put together. With an SBOM in hand it’s possible to determine if software contains existing security and compliance issues or is impacted by newly discovered vulnerabilities. The SBOM is imperative due to the White House’s cybersecurity executive order from May 2021 requiring them for all government software purchases and many private organizations following suit.

Software Supply Chain Security for Open Source Projects

Attacks on the open-source value chain (OS supply chain) are becoming more sophisticated, and we, as software developers, are becoming the focus of these attacks. So what are the essential first steps, and what should you focus on? This raises the question of suitable methods and tools. At the same time, the company's strategic orientation must be considered in this security strategy. In the recent past, we have also learned that attacks are increasingly targeting individual infrastructure elements of software development, such as the classic CI/CD pipeline.