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About Tripwire - Protecting the Integrity of the Digital World

Between complex IT networks, internet of things, digitized factory floors, increased cloud usage and remote work… you need to protect your digital assets/infrastructure to operate your business safely and securely. You need to trust that your systems are in a known and trusted state, they are hardened up to industry standards, they are meeting your policies, and ensure sure they stay that way. You also need to know when that changes, and which systems are causing a weakness in your security posture.

Tripwire Tips and Tricks: Five Things to Do With MITRE ATT&CK

In this session of the Tripwire Tips and Tricks series, you'll learn how to use the MITRE ATT&CK framework to protect your organization from cyberattacks. Tripwire Security Researcher David Lu will walk you through five key use cases for the framework, helping you deepen your understanding of mapping defensive controls to the framework, threat hunting, incident response, and more.