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Securing DevOps : Security in the Cloud

Key Topics surface possible for a startup, to focus on their product and leave complex infrastructure security and cloud security problems for later on.
  • The need to start segmenting permissions when there are too many people in a team is a natural, and getting into the cloud services and cloud security business knowing that rearchitecting regularly will be needed is healthy.
  • Hardened Access - Dual Authorization for Roles & Per-session MFA with Yubikeys

    This webinar is a deep dive into how companies can harden access to Teleport with two new features in Teleport 6.1 These include creating dual & multi Authorization rules, requiring multiple team members to approve role escalation. This is an important FedRAMP control ( AC-3 ) and increasing the visibility and audibility for access. We’ll show how you can enforce per session MFA with the aid of hardware tokens; reducing the scope and risk related to certificate exfiltration.