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Managing Multi Account AWS Console and CLI Access with Teleport

Are you using multiple AWS accounts to separate your environments like many of the engineering teams we work with? If you are, you may be looking for a better way to access those accounts. Join us for a session, in which Nivathan Somasundharam, Implementation Engineer at Teleport, and Ashok Mahajan, Senior Partner SA at AWS, discuss some common challenges that arise when using multiple AWS accounts to separate cloud environments and how to use Teleport to solve these issues. Some of the most common issues people face include.

Hot Takes Episode 1: Protect your infrastructure from yourself

This Month’s Hot Take: Five renowned experts from the Kubernetes community - Kat Cosgrove, Divya Mohan, Frederick Kautz, Chris Short, and Kunal Kushwaha - will be discussing how human-error is the most significant threat to the security of your infrastructure, NOT hackers and ransomware.

Infrastructure Auditing Made Easy

This webinar is a deep dive into Teleport’s new Audit Log capability, dashboard, and refreshed unified resource UI. Teleport 14 introduces a new audit log backend that provides unrivaled visibility into all activity on a cluster. Allow teams to translate infrastructure audits into faster insights and actions, thus helping them make informed access decisions, support downstream SIEMs, and log consolidation tools.

Protecting your Windows Fleet with Zero Trust

In today's increasingly remote-first business landscape, secure and efficient access to Windows desktops and servers has become more crucial than ever. Join us in this illuminating webinar as we navigate the evolving patterns and practices of remote access, and how to optimally safeguard your Windows Servers. We will spotlight common access patterns, detailing the do's and don'ts for ensuring secure access.