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Detectify developing API security testing with fuzzing

Yes the rumors are true, the teams at Detectify are working hard at researching and developing security testing for APIs. Senior security researchers, Tom Hudson and Fredrik Nordberg Almroth answer questions about API security. Just like web apps, APIs can’t be secured with rule-based automated scanners - they need context! That’s why we are developing our fuzzing engine to cover public-facing APIs and test them like a hacker would.

Undetected E04, Tom Hudson - Hacking Things Back Together

There are many paths you can take to become a security professional. In this episode, host Laura Kankaala talks with Tom Hudson (aka @TomNomNom) about his learning journey with computers and hacking which began with him taking it all apart. Tom’s tinkering obsession introduced him to the world of hacking and bug bounty competitions. Besides chasing bugs, Tom is also passionate about passing on knowledge through his particular teaching style, and he discusses some of the common struggles of people who are just getting started with security, but also what are the kinds of questions are the good questions to ask along the way.

Undetected E02, Fredrik Almroth - Are Bug Bounties a buzzword?

One could argue that bug bounties are a buzzword in security today, but what are they and what are they good for? In this episode, Laura is joined by the talented security researcher and detectify co-founder Fredrik N. Almroth (@almroot on twitter). If you can name it, Fredrik has probably hacked them including companies like Facebook, Tesla, Dropbox and Uber. Tune in for a dive deep into Fredrik's past as a bug bounty hunter and discuss how both companies and bug bounty hunters can get started in the field of Crowdsourced Security, as well as where the bug bounty industry is headed.

Undetected E01, Johan Edholm - Evolution of hacking; Web Security to companies of all sizes.

Do you remember when you first connected to the Internet? Security nerds Laura and Johan go back to the Internet in the 90's, the evolution of hacking and the transformation of IT security into an industry where hackers are now allies to companies.

Detectify for developers

Detectify is a scalable web app security scanner that automates 1000+ security tests to help you release secure applications. With Detectify, you can test your code with real exploits to identify and fix vulnerabilities in both staging and production environments. The service is continually updated with new security tests thanks to Detectify Crowdsource, a global network of handpicked security researchers.

Proof of Concept: CVE-2017-9791 Apache Struts OGNL Expression Injection

Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) is an expression language for handling Java objects. When an OGNL expression injection vulnerability is present, it is possible for the attacker to inject OGNL expressions. Many critical Apache Struts CVEs are the result of GNL expression injection. Watch our short attack demo video where we explain Apache Struts OGNL expression injection and how it works.