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Migrating Reports to Advanced Analytics

Learn how to import existing reports into Advanced Analytics. Netskope, the SASE leader, safely and quickly connects users directly to the internet, any application, and their infrastructure from any device, on or off the network. With CASB, SWG, and ZTNA built natively in a single platform, Netskope is fast everywhere, data-centric, and cloud smart, all while enabling good digital citizenship and providing a lower total-cost-of-ownership.

Ep 3 Frank W, Rich W, Kevin P - Securing the Digital Supply Chain

Securing the supply chain Ep. 3 - An amazing cast of security thought leaders - Rich Watson, Frank Weigel and Kevin Paige - 3 stellar security leaders who have an immense amount of experience in all sorts of companies and security program. We touch on FDIC, FIL guidance, GDPR impact, SDKs Ruby, Gems and oh so more!

AppSec Decoded: Reducing the risk of ransomware | Synopsys

Watch our latest episode of AppSec Decoded, featuring Sammy Migues, principal scientist at Synopsys and coauthor of the BSIMM report, and Tim Mackey, principal security strategist at Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC), as they discuss the do’s and don’ts of ransomware prevention and mitigation.

Export Office 365 Security Baseline Report in Octiga for Client

Baseline reports for Office 365 tenants are essential to infer trends based on historical data to enhance client security AND provide proof of compliance. Manage client relationships by reporting them rapidly through targeted baseline security reports, tenant-wide or group-wide, generated in a single click!