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File transfer security risks and how to avoid them

Ransomware attacks increased by 105% in the first quarter of 2019, according to Beazley’s tally of insurance claims and data analytics. Other alarming reports show that new variants of Ransomware keep appearing almost every month. In addition, two years after the WannaCry Ransomware attacks, 1.7 million computers still remain at risk in 2019 according to TechCrunch. Fortunately, there are cybersecurity solutions that can protect your data during file transfer and file storage.

British Airways faces record £183 million GDPR fine after data breach

What’s happened? British Airways is facing a record fine of £183 million, after its systems were breached by hackers last year and the personal and payment card information of around 500,000 customers were stolen. 183 million quid!? That sounds huge! Yes, it’s the biggest fine ever handed out by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


Due to the revolution of the internet, cyber-attacks on unsecured networks are increasing tremendously and organizations are on the verge of data breaches. Securing proprietary information, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), or any other sensitive data have become a daunting task. Preventing business disruption, information theft, and reputational loss is necessary to thrive and survive in the competitive industry.

Cyber Security Trends in the Tech Industry

Level Setting on Tech Companies Let’s start by defining what a technology company is. Think hardware, software, and technology service companies who are creating a form of technology that others can purchase and utilize. Some of the biggest and most popular players in this space that may come to mind include Facebook, Microsoft, IBM and Google. These companies provide pure technology to their consumers for a price. Though common, the sector is not limited to these types of companies either.

How To Minimize The Scope of Your PCI DSS Audit

Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and its 281 directives can be a time-consuming hassle. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize your PCI DSS scope, saving time and resources for your organization and auditor, and ratcheting down your stress levels. Larger organizations—those processing more than 1 million credit-card transactions annually—may need two years to reach initial PCI DSS compliance.

How to Leverage DevOps and Automation to Bolster Security

Speed and security. Old-fashioned thinking contended that the two were incompatible; that high-velocity development and deployment of apps and software services invariably introduced higher levels of risk. However, it has become increasingly apparent that speed is a necessary aspect of security. The stakes are sky-high, with some estimates projecting that the annual cost of cybercrime losses and damage will reach $6 trillion by 2021.

What is Ryuk and will it be holding you to ransom?

According to Google, Ryuk is ‘a fictional character in the manga series Death Note’. I have no idea what this is, but I imagine it’s significantly less interesting than the Ryuk ransomware campaign that’s currently hitting businesses right across the world. The UK’s NSCS is investigating such campaigns and has recently published an advisory on it, and we’re no strangers to Ryuk at Bulletproof either.

Weekly Cyber Security News 05/07/2019

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. Well, I hope everyone’s recovered from the annoying network outages this week. I’m not going to talk about that, instead here is something to bring other annoyances: How UI done badly can be really bad… People are people, and while there are often oversights in locking down systems, they often still fall prey to moments of madness which starts a chain towards disaster.

What are Next SIEM Technologies?

An industry that is worth more than $2 billion, SIEM keeps growing and evolving. The first instances of SIEMs appeared as descendants of numerous security technologies: LSM, SIM, SLM/SEM, SEC and such. The earliest versions were so limited that they were barely able to scale across large companies and were rather slow. They also needed huge teams to manage thus raising the costs ever-higher. However, SIEMs have changed greatly since.