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Project Management And Using a Risk Assessment Matrix

According to studies published over the last decade, over 90% of new businesses fold before they even go to market or reach their fifth anniversary. The failure rate has become so prevalent that some entrepreneurs have taken it to be normal. However, nothing about failure, especially where money is involved, is normal. Is it possible to reduce failure rates in the startup world with today's business intelligence tools? The answer would be a resounding "yes" if we look at it from a risk management perspective. Risk management involves identifying problems before they occur and preparing for them.

Plights of the Round Table - A Tale of Weighing Risk

In an ornate boardroom, a group of executives gathered at a large round table for their annual strategic planning meeting. Morgan, the CEO, was surrounded by Lana, the VP of Sales; Susan, the CISO, Smith, the COO; and Barbara, Chief Compliance Officer. There was much to get done in the next twelve months, so they were passionately debating how best to invest their limited budget to achieve their goals and to address various sources of risk.

HIPAA and Social Media: What You Need to Know

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was signed into law before the rollout of major social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And as such, there are no specific HIPAA rules for social media. However, some HIPAA laws and standards apply to the use of social media by health care organizations and their workers. Because of that, each health care organization must implement a HIPAA social media policy to decrease the risk of HIPAA violations.

How to Apply the Risk Management Framework (RMF)

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is most commonly associated with the NIST SP 800-37 guide for “Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach,” which has been available for FISMA compliance since 2004. This was the result of a Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative Interagency Working Group; it’s something that every agency of the U.S. government must now abide by and integrate into their processes.

IT Security Risk Assessment Methodology: Qualitative vs Quantitative

Formulating an IT security risk assessment methodology is a key part of building a robust information security risk management program. The two most popular types of risk assessment methodologies used by assessors are: A risk assessment is a process that aims to identify cybersecurity risks, their sources and how to mitigate them to an acceptable level of risk.

Vendor Risk Assessment Questionnaire Template

A vendor risk management questionnaire (also known as a third-party risk assessment questionnaire or vendor risk assessment questionnaire) is designed to help your organization identify potential weaknesses among your third-party vendors and partners that could result in a data breach, data leak or other type of cyber attack.

California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act vs. HIPAA

Patient health information is governed by robust rules that determine how this data is handled, stored, and accessed. Federal laws, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and various state laws strengthen patient rights. HIPAA set a baseline for regulatory compliance with patient health information. Under the “preemption” language in the rule, no state may create less effective or weaker medical privacy protection for individuals.

NIST CSF Categories and Framework Tiers

NIST CSF stands for the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework. The NIST CSF consists of best practices, standards, and guidelines to manage cybersecurity program risk. This voluntary framework is divided into three primary parts: the framework core, profiles, and tiers. The NIST CSF core comprises five functions, where each function are further broken down into categories and subcategories. There are currently 23 categories and 108 subcategories in the NIST CSF.