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What Is Data Loss Prevention?

Every organization faces data security threats, which become more complex when integrating technologies like cloud computing or hybrid working options. That’s why it is critical to implement robust data protection to safeguard critical assets such as intellectual property, personally identifiable information, and sensitive financial data. This challenge is further augmented by the growing number of regulations imposed by governmental and industry bodies.

Why DCAP is Essential for Modern Data Security (A Closer Look)

Almost every company has a system for organizing file storage, which employees use regularly. Streamlining data storage in a corporate environment is not just about improving business processes; it is also about ensuring security. It is challenging to protect data if you do not know where it is stored, what it contains, its value, who owns it, who has access to it, and what its most significant threats are. This is where Data-Centric Audit and Protection (DCAP) systems come into play.

Creating a Secure Community of Interest (COI) for Defence & Industry Information Exchange

The secure exchange of information between the Government, Defence and the supply chain is critical to operational outcomes. A Community of Interest (COI) is often used to facilitate multi-party coordination and collaboration between these parties but is often difficult to implement. Let’s explore the use cases, challenges and tools for creating COIs for secure information exchange.

DLP 101: The Best Data Loss Prevention Software for 2024

In a world where data breaches hit the headlines almost daily, organizations need effective data protection measures more than ever. Let's dive into the world of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and discover how this powerful software can safeguard your organization's most valuable asset: your data.
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Why Shadow IT Prevails for UK SMEs

Fuelled by hybrid working models, easy access to cloud services, and the evolution of AI, shadow IT continues to be a pressing issue for UK organisations. Today, business users demand access anywhere at any time using multiple devices, while they expect their confidentiality, integrity and availability to be preserved as if they were in the office.

DLP 101: What is data loss prevention, and why do you need it?

Imagine running a business that handles sensitive information, like financial data or health data. Now, think about what could happen if that data slipped out through a careless email, a file shared in the cloud, or a compromised account. This kind of data leak could result in hefty fines and a loss of customer trust. Data loss prevention products are critical from stopping this scenario from ever coming to pass.
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Responsible Cloud Migration - Overcoming the Data Security Challenge

Since the world went digital the value of data has been unprecedented, and as businesses race to adopt the latest tech to optimise and monetise their data it is set to increase in value at an exponential rate. However, whilst data is widely regarded as an organisation's main asset, data accountability is rarely owned, which can lead to errors that incur fines, loss in consumer trust, and impact brand reputation. To ensure best practice, organisations should apply caution when considering their next step in digital transformation, such as when migrating data to the cloud.

Gear up to combat data theft by securing user access permissions

The tech industry is evolving at lightning speed, and with it, cyberattacks are surging. In this year’s April IT governance data breach report, the education industry suffered the highest number of data breach incidents followed by the healthcare industry, while the IT services and software sector had the most number of records breached. Why? Often, it is the lack of an access certification process that leaves an organization defenseless against privilege exploitation.

2024 State of Secrets Report

With the rise in collaboration apps like Slack, GitHub, and ChatGPT, it’s easy for employees and customers alike to share secrets in messages, files, repos, and other places where they shouldn’t be shared. Though this so-called “secret sprawl” may seem trivial at first, all it takes is one misplaced password or API key for a threat actor to escalate their privileges and access your organization’s crown jewels: Your data.

How to Send Encrypted Emails in Gmail in 5 Easy Steps

In today's digital landscape, email encryption is a key component of data protection, especially for organizations that handle personal, financial, or health-related information. Whether you need to safeguard Personally identifiable information (PII), Payment card data (PCI), Protected Health Information (PHI), secrets, or Intellectual Property (IP), this guide will walk you through the process of sending encrypted emails in Gmail.