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How to Install VMware Tools on Linux, Windows, MacOS, FreeBSD and Solaris

If you have ever deployed a VMware VM on VMware ESXi, VMware Workstation, VMware Player, or VMware Fusion, you’ve probably noticed that after installing a guest operating system (OS), you are asked to install VMware Tools. In this blog post, we cover what VMWare Tools is and the VMware Tools installation process on different operating systems including Linux, Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, and Solaris.

Enhance IT Monitoring with NAKIVO: Alarms and Reporting Explained

Using IT monitoring in an organization’s infrastructure can improve its reliability and help prevent serious issues, failures, and downtimes. There are different approaches to implementing IT monitoring, by either using dedicated tools or native functionality. With either approach, you can view the monitoring data when needed or configure automatic alerts and reports to be notified of important events. This blog post explains how to enhance the IT monitoring strategy by using alarms and reports.

NAKIVO Launches v11 with Powerful Cybersecurity Features and Advanced Support for Proxmox VE, Microsoft 365, and NAS

NAKIVO Inc., a global leader in data backup and recovery, is excited to announce the launch of NAKIVO Backup & Replication v11, the newest version of its award-winning solution designed to meet the expanding needs of today's virtual and cloud-based environments. This release includes advanced data protection capabilities for Proxmox VE, Microsoft 365, and NAS while introducing key cybersecurity and compliance enhancements.

Enabling Backup Encryption with NAKIVO: A Comprehensive Guide

Encryption is widely used for security purposes because it prevents unauthorized third parties from accessing and disseminating private data. Backups are no exception and are often a target of data breaches. As part of a data protection strategy, you can implement encryption as an additional layer of security for your backups.

Understanding Backup Encryption Options

Data backup is critical to data loss prevention and swift recovery. A part of a secure and resilient data protection strategy is backup encryption to prevent breaches and access to data by unauthorized persons. This blog post covers encryption types based on where data is encrypted and explains how a specific approach can be used for an effective backup encryption strategy. Say no to ransoms with NAKIVO Use backups for fast data recovery after ransomware attacks.

Backup ESXi Host Configuration: 4 Different Methods

Virtualization offers several advantages for backup and recovery operations, which are the backbone of data protection, operational continuity, and availability. Most importantly, virtualization makes agentless and image-based, host-level backups possible. These types of backups can capture the full VM, including VM configuration as well as VM data. However, it’s important to protect hosts too, as healthy ESXi hosts are important for VMs to run properly.

How to Disable Hyper-V in Windows

Microsoft Hyper-V is a type 1 hypervisor that you can install on Windows – including on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019. In some scenarios, you may need to uninstall Hyper-V on your Windows machine. For example, VMware Workstation and Hyper-V are not compatible when installed on the same machine. The same issues occur with other type 2 hypervisors like VirtualBox.

How to Migrate VMware VMs to Nutanix

Nutanix is a hyper-converged virtualization platform for running virtual machines. It can be used as an additional infrastructure or an alternative to VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V. For more information, you can read this VMware vs Nutanix comparison. You can migrate VMware virtual machines (VMs) from ESXi hosts and clusters to a Nutanix cluster. Read this VMware to Nutanix migration guide to learn how to configure the migration properly.

Backing Up Using HPE Storage Snapshots

Snapshots are usually used to create image-based VM backups. Storage snapshots are an alternative to the usual VM snapshots used, and they have certain advantages in terms of backup performance and impact on production environments. In this blog post, we explain VMware virtual machine backup from HPE snapshots to achieve high efficiency in environments with heavily loaded storage, including the working principle and configuration basics.

Comprehensive Guide to Installing VIB Files on ESXi

ESXi is usually provided with the default configuration that includes a set of standard drivers and software tools for a specific version. This set of tools and drivers differs from one ESXi version to another. When running ESXi hosts, you may need to install additional drivers for the installed hardware, install software, or update software components or drivers. In this case, installing VIB files on ESXi is what you need.