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Healthcare Systems Remain Prime Target for Cybercriminals

In mid-August, state officials in Connecticut began receiving worrisome complaints from constituents about a potentially dire situation unfolding at local hospitals. One such message, from a woman on Facebook, relayed a desperate plea for help on behalf of her 71-year-old father, who, she claimed, had spent the last two days on a gurney in an emergency room hallway.

Healthcare IT: Improving Patient Care and Satisfaction with SD-WAN

The phrase “digital transformation” gets thrown around a lot these days when discussing IT infrastructure. A popular — albeit slightly vague — buzzphrase for a reason, digital transformation, in this context, simply refers to the idea that businesses are working to modernize their operations and leverage the power of new technologies.

Put Cloud in the Fast Lane: Why SD-WAN

If routing traffic on your network, managing cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, or general cloud connectivity is becoming more difficult for your IT team to manage, you may be ready for a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN). SD-WAN is powerful networking tool that can help you centrally manage your traffic flow, independent of the underlying hardware on your network.

Is October only for Halloween?

October is a busy month for awareness campaigns and Halloween! Perhaps you already knew that October is both Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness Month, but did you know it is also National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM)? NCSAM is a government-created campaign in the United States. It is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA).

Make Sure Your Recovery Plan Is Reliable

In my role as an Inside Solutions Architect at 11:11 Systems, my objective is to match 11:11 Systems range of solutions to meet customer’s data protection needs, from simple off-site BaaS to fully managed DRaaS solutions. That objective is easier to achieve when customers come to the table with an effective and reliable recovery plan. So how do you make an effective and reliable recovery plan? Here are a couple of key consideration points when constructing your recovery plan.

As MGM Struggles Amid Ransomware Fallout, Data Recovery Lessons Abound - Part 2

The latest MGM Resorts ransomware attack demonstrates why cyber insurance is critical as part of a multi-layered security strategy. In our last blog, we discussed the recent Las Vegas cyber incidents and how no organization is completely safe. The original cyber incident at MGM Resorts occurred on September 10, 2023 — nearly two weeks ago now – and the company and its valued customers are still feeling its effects.

Best in Class for Data Protection

It has been a month since 11:11 Systems announced a new partnership with Veeam and AWS, bringing together global leaders in data protection and modern cloud architecture. That month has been quite a busy one for us as we begin rolling out solutions that leverage the best from our partnership and bring a new generation of services to 11:11 Systems’ core capabilities. Today we have production-level services available around the globe to make use of the innovations outlined in this post.

As MGM Struggles Amid Ransomware Fallout, Data Recovery Lessons Abound

Picture this: Your IT infrastructure is breached by a nefarious actor, who then encrypts critical data and holds your organization hostage until a ransom is paid. Far from hypothetical, this is exactly what happened to multi-billion-dollar casino operator MGM Resorts International last week when hit with a ransomware attack – the latest in a string of large-scale, high-profile cyber security incidents.

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You Can't Win: Learning to Live with Security Pessimism

Cybersecurity can, at times, feel like a thankless and invisible task. The punishment for a mistake is immediate and ruthless, the reward for success next to non-existent, because how do you recognise the absence of a breach? But this isn't a new scenario; the IT industry has dealt with this outlook for decades. The job of an IT department is to be invisible, but when something does go wrong all eyes are inevitably on them to fix it.

Best in Class

Why AWS indeed. This is not one of those start with why posts, but hopefully a peek into the reasons behind our partnership with AWS and what that means for you and how it could benefit you. The beginnings of something great Public cloud is well established, with about 50% of all workloads now running in a public cloud location. We have heard of ”the big three” cloud providers: AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.