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PAM Automation Scripts: Don't Forget to Secure Admin Credentials

While IT executives understand the essential role privileged access management (PAM) solutions play in their organization’s overall security strategy, they’ve also continued to ask their PAM administrators to do more with less resources. To meet these additional asks, PAM admins have automated routine PAM tasks using scripts. PAM automation scripts can significantly lessen the burden on PAM admins and enable organizations to scale PAM usage across their entire enterprise.

Top Six Identity Security Risks Compounding Cyber Debt and Expanding the Attack Surface

The prolonged period of low-capital costs and widely available funding may be over, yet digital adoption persists as business leaders seek to unlock efficiencies and innovation everywhere. This is driving exponential but often unsecure identity growth in the enterprise and putting existing levels of cyber debt at risk of compounding as investment in digital and cloud initiatives continues to outpace cybersecurity spend.

How Endpoint Privilege Security Helps Organizations Protect Against Threats

Protecting endpoints is more important than ever, as existing threats like ransomware continue to damage organizations and emerging threats like AI-driven attacks add to the problem. As attackers find new ways to exploit an organization’s vulnerabilities, IT security teams find themselves under pressure to act quickly, often searching for new tools. However, when security solutions are bolted together hastily, problems arise.

Analyzing 3 Offensive AI Attack Scenarios

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming modern society at unprecedented speed. It can do your homework, help you make better investment decisions, turn your selfie into a Renaissance painting or write code on your behalf. While ChatGPT and other generative AI tools can be powerful forces for good, they’ve also unleashed a tsunami of attacker innovation and concerns are mounting quickly.

EP 29 - Synthetic Identity: Unmasking a New AI-Fueled Cyber Threat

Scattered across the internet are jigsaw puzzle pieces containing your personal information. If reassembled by an attacker, these puzzle pieces could easily compromise your identity. Our returning guest today is Len Noe, CyberArk’s resident transhuman (a.k.a. cyborg), whose official titles these days are Technical Evangelist, White Hat Hacker and Biohacker.

Cyber Breach Remediation's 5-Step Cycle

Organizations tend to fall into two categories: those that have been breached and those that don’t yet realize they’ve been breached. If you belong to the first group, believe it or not, you’re in luck. Once the breach has been acknowledged, your organization is closer to fixing the problem and overcoming the damage.

EP 28 - Safeguarding Data in the Cloud

In this episode of the Trust Issues podcast, host David Puner interviews Brad Jones, CISO and VP of Information Security at Seagate Technology. They delve into cloud security challenges, including protecting data in a constantly shifting technological landscape. Jones discusses the importance of establishing trust as a data company and implementing rigorous controls to safeguard sensitive information.

The Seven Types of Non-human Identities to Secure

Non-humans are everywhere these days. Sure, you’ve seen the much-deserved hype about how AI-powered tools like ChatGPT are going to change everything. But there are plenty of more mundane non-human entities that you interact with in your daily life: the smart thermostat program that knows to cool down your house at a certain time every day, the application on your phone that suggests directions to a place you’ve searched for, and many others.

How to Write a PoC for an Uninitialized Smart Contract Vulnerability in BadgerDAO Using Foundry

In this post, we’re going to learn how Foundry can be used to write a proof of concept (PoC) for uninitialized smart contract vulnerabilities. We will take a look at and exploit a simple uninitialized smart contract vulnerability we found in BadgerDAO. If you are familiar with this type of vulnerability, jump straight to the Foundry PoC section. You can also find the PoC code on this GitHub repository.

Overcoming Healthcare EHR Access Hurdles

Healthcare cyberattacks are increasing in “frequency, severity and sophistication,” said Nitin Natarajan, U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) deputy director, in his recent HIMSS23 Healthcare Cybersecurity Forum keynote. Attacks on hospitals have surged by 86% since 2021, with the average healthcare organization experiencing two or more ransomware attacks in the past year. “And this is going to continue to increase,” Natarajan warned.