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Keeper - The Only Enterprise Password Manager to Use Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Keeper’s Enterprise Password Manager is the only solution that uses Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in its encryption, making it the most secure password management solution available. ECC is a public-key cryptography method based on the mathematics of elliptic curves. First proposed in 1985, it recently rose to prominence with modern cryptography as it provides a higher level of security compared to traditional encryption methods, such as RSA.

Indent and Keeper: Time Limited and Permanent Password Access Available On-Demand

Last year, Keeper Security unveiled One-Time Share, a secure and convenient way for Keeper users to share credentials with anyone, including those that are not Keeper users. Since its launch, many of our customers have grown to rely on One-Time Share, including in cases where they need the ability to set time duration. As a result, we’ve made expanding the options for setting and modifying time-limited access a top priority.

What is a Dark Web Alert?

A dark web alert is a notification you receive when your personal information, such as your passwords, have been found on the dark web. Without a dark web alert, you won’t know when your personal information is posted on the dark web which is a threat to your identity and online security. Continue reading to learn more about dark web alerts, and how you can begin to receive these alerts and take action.

Optimising PAM for Cost Savings and Stronger Security

It's imperative for organisations around the globe to properly secure their privileged credentials, accounts and sessions to protect their digital crown jewels from unauthorised breaches, yet traditional Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions are failing enterprises. These solutions are proving too costly in many cases - and so complex in others - that many organisations are opting to shelve or never fully deploy their PAM products, saying they're wasting money on features they don't even use.

Is it Safe to Store Credit Card Information Online?

No, it is not safe to store your credit card information online, including on merchant websites or web browsers. The only way to ensure your credit card information is stored safely is if you keep it in an encrypted vault. Read on to learn more about the risks of storing your credit card information online and how you can secure your credit cards moving forward.

Human Error Results in Leaked SF-86 Forms

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) discovered in February that one of its servers had been sharing U.S. military emails openly on the internet for over two weeks without anyone noticing. This vulnerability affected U.S. Special Operations Command and other DoD customers. Shockingly, plain-text email conversations were exposed and accessible to anyone who knew the IP address of the unsecured server.

The Importance of Keeping Software Up to Date

It’s important to keep your software up to date because updates enhance existing features, patch security flaws, add new security features, fix bug issues and improve performance for devices. Continue reading to learn more about software updates and how you can check if your software is up to date.

What Are Scam Calls and How Can I Stop Them?

Scam calls are phone calls you may receive that are unsolicited, spoofed and claim to be from someone or a company they’re not. For example, you may receive a phone call claiming to be law enforcement and while the caller ID and location may match a legitimate police department, it has been spoofed to look legitimate. There are a few ways you can prevent receiving scam calls such as getting an app that blocks them.

How to Protect Your Online Privacy

You can protect your online privacy by being aware of and cleaning your digital footprint; using strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts; not oversharing on social media; reading privacy policies carefully and more. Continue reading to learn more about online privacy and the steps you can take to protect yours.