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Application Security Requirements: Trends and Best Practices

Ensuring application security is not just about protecting data. It’s about safeguarding your company's reputation, keeping customer trust, and adhering to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements. Read on as we delve into application security requirements: the pressing security threats impacting applications, the critical security requirements your application needs to meet, and the best practices to adopt to achieve robust application security.

Integrated Intelligence Enrichment With Threat Intelligence Management

SOC analysts are overwhelmed with alerts and manual repetitive tasks that negatively impact their ability to conduct and prioritize investigations of critical events. They don’t have the time, or bandwidth, to sift through data feeds or sources to identify and synthesize intelligence related to an incident.

Using Splunk Stream for Hunting: Finding Islands in the Stream (of Data)

Today, we are going to look at using the Splunk Stream App to hunt for threats across your network. Sing along with us! 🎼 “Islands in the stream” of our data… (Part of our Threat Hunting with Splunk series, this article was originally written by John Stoner. We’ve updated it recently to maximize your value.)

Splunk SOAR Playbook of the Month: Investigations with Playbooks

It comes as no surprise that analysts spend a lot of their time investigating and responding to a continuous flood of incidents on a daily basis. While the sheer volume of alerts alone make for a time consuming endeavor, trying to manually tackle so many of these alerts results in slow incident response and can trap your team into a series of reactive security operations.

What Is Financial Crime Risk Management (FCRM)?

Financial crime risk management (FCRM) is the practice of proactively looking for financial crime, including investigating and analyzing suspicious activity, rooting out vulnerabilities and taking steps to lower an organization’s risk of becoming a victim. For organizations in every industry across the globe, an effective FCRM strategy has never been more important.

What's ABAC? How Attribute Based Access Control Works

Multi-cloud environments are getting plenty of buzz in recent years. It’s no wonder, really, that increased flexibility, risk mitigation, performance optimization and compliance adherence associated with the practice have drawn in new muli-cloud evangelists across the industry. For all the great benefits multi-cloud offers, it does present one significant challenge: how do you ensure a single point of control while establishing consistent security policies for all users?

Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computers (CRQCs) & The Quantum Threat in 2023

What is the quantum threat, and is it real? The boy who cried (quantum) wolf: being honest about the threat and what it means for you A cryptographically-relevant quantum computer (CRQC) is a quantum computer that can run algorithms to crack or weaken existing (so-called “classical”) cryptography. Today, I’ll explain when — or if — this CRQC is likely to exist, what the real threat is, and how it might affect your data and assets.

IoT Monitoring: Protecting & Maintaining IoT Devices in 2023

The state of cybersecurity is in constant flux — meaning we must constantly iterate and revisit our systems to protect ourselves. With security logging and monitoring failures moving up to number 9 of the OWASP Top 10, organizations everywhere are revisiting their stance on network and application monitoring. This is great for getting a pulse check on security posture and is certainly key in any good strategy, but we might be forgetting something — IoT devices.

Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) Takes Flight with v1.0 Schema Release

It is not very often that we see cybersecurity vendors put aside competitive differences and ambitions to work towards a common goal that benefits the entire cybersecurity community. The Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) has shown to be an example of a productive industry-wide collaboration to facilitate a more secure environment for businesses, governments and individuals all over the globe.

Using the Lookup Command for Threat Hunting (Lookup Before You Go-Go)

A wise person once said that you should use the lookup command before you go threat hunting. Or, as I hear it in my head, “Look it up before you go-go…hunting”, a la WHAM!:   In this must-read tutorial for hunting in Splunk, we’re looking at the lookup command, including what it does and how and where to use it for threat hunting. Let’s get started! (This article is part of our Threat Hunting with Splunk series. We’ve updated it recently to maximize your value.)