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Data Privacy Laws Organizations Cannot Ignore in 2023

Data privacy has become a hot-button issue in recent times, leading to the implementation of stringent laws governing who can collect information and how it is accessed. Governments across the world are increasingly turning their attention towards ensuring data protection for citizens. Non-compliance of regulations can be catastrophic for any organization.

The Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in Nigeria - iOS & Android

Nigerian authorities have made great strides in data security, and businesses worldwide are taking notice. If you're planning to launch a mobile app in Nigeria, it's crucial that you understand the importance of app security and take steps to ensure that your app meets Nigerian data privacy requirements. We’re aware that data protection can be overwhelming as it requires a holistic approach that incorporates legal, administrative, and technical safeguards.

GitHub Repository Code Stealing Continues: Reported By Slack

Slack is a very popular corporate messaging app with 20 million daily active users. They recently announced suffering from a data breach on their code repository on Github. Ever since layoff has become a trend or a harsh reality, the world of cybercrime has become proactive as a company experiencing a layoff may have less resources to devote to cybersecurity, making it a more vulnerable target for cybercriminals.

How To Prevent DDoS Attacks in 2023

DDoS attacks are increasingly becoming common, especially for people who have their websites. This happens because DDoS attacks are harder to trace, and the perpetrators are hard to identify. As we advance into the IoT era, it's hard to deny that these attacks are becoming more frequent and powerful. This blog will cover DDoS attacks and how to prevent them.

European Regulator Fines Facebook Parent Meta $276 Million for Data-Scraping Breach

A leading European regulator fined Meta Platforms Inc., the company that owns Facebook, 265 million euros, or around $276 million, for failing to better protect the phone numbers and other personal information of more than half a billion users from so-called data scrapers.

7 Steps to Identifying and Fighting Cyber Crime for your Business

Cybersecurity is at the forefront as technology sees increasing adoption across multiple industry verticals. Organizations must prevent and fight cyber crime, but it can take over 200 days to detect a breach for many. This time frame increases the possible consequences of the breach and gives cybercriminals an opportunity to move laterally to other systems and exfiltrate the information they need. Once stolen, they may sell it to other cybercriminals who can use it for more nefarious means.

Refrain From Downloading These Top Grossing Malicious Apps on Google Play

Google Play is every Android’s first go-to option for downloading apps. However, even this ever-famous application portal isn’t free from malicious apps directed toward conning the installers. A renowned security firm, Malwarebytes Labs, has warned users against downloading and using these top four applications, which have collectively garnered 1 million downloads. Per the security researchers at the firm, these apps hide Trojans, which serve adware and direct users to phishing sites.

How to Protect Your Startup from Ransomware Attacks

As an entrepreneur, you're well aware of how devastating ransomware attacks can be. And as the frequency and magnitude of such attacks are constantly on the rise, devising a formidable plan to protect your startup from a ransomware attack is imperative. According to CrowdStrike 2022 Global Threat Report, there has been an 82% YoY increase in ransomware-related data leaks in 2021. What's more? According to Statista, there were 623.3 million ransomware attacks worldwide in 2021.

Web Server Penetration Testing: Definition, Checklist & Tools

As web servers become an increasingly popular target for cybercriminals, it is more important than ever for businesses to ensure that their systems are secure. One of the best ways to do this is through web server penetration testing, which involves simulating a cyberattack to identify vulnerabilities. This blog will introduce web server penetration testing and how to carry it out effectively.