Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2020

4 Questions to Ask in Building a Security Operations Center

Building an in-house SOC represents a significant commitment, both financially and strategically, to securing your enterprise. In a report from the Ponemon Institute—based on a survey sponsored by Devo of more than 500 IT and security practitioners—67 percent of respondents said their SOC was “very important” or “essential” to their organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy.

Best Practices for CSOs to Navigate Today's Uncertain World

Like many of my peers, my role as a Chief Security Officer (CSO) has dramatically changed as we work to understand and adapt to COVID-19. It’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, my mind was focused on things such as FedRamp and the California Privacy Act (CCPA), now the majority of my time is focused on ensuring our employees safety and productivity, so they can continue to deliver products and support our customers and partners.

A Healthy Outlook on Security From RSA Conference 2020

Another RSA Conference is in the books and despite a few vendors pulling out due to public health concerns, the show went on and offered attendees a glimpse of what lies ahead in the world of cybersecurity. The main theme for this year’s RSA event focused on the human element in addressing the behaviors and activities of users and analysts.