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October 2020

Extending Your Fortinet FortiManager to Kubernetes

Tigera and Fortinet have joined forces to solve this operational challenge. With the combination of FortiManager and Calico Enterprise, you gain access control and full visibility into the container environment along with centralized management. In this webinar, you will learn how Calico Enterprise and FortiManager enable you to.

Extend Your Fortinet FortiManager to Kubernetes

Companies are leveraging the power of Kubernetes to accelerate the delivery of resilient and scalable applications to meet the pace of business. These applications are highly dynamic, making it operationally challenging to securely connect to databases or other resources protected behind firewalls.

Calico and K8s Network Policies - An Overview and Comparison

In an age where attackers are becoming more and more sophisticated, network security as a line of defense is more important than ever. Network Policy is the primary tool for securing a Kubernetes network. It allows you to easily restrict the network traffic in your cluster so only the traffic that you want to flow is allowed. In this training session, we will go over the core concepts in Kubernetes Network Policies and Calico Network Policies. Compare and contrast between the two models, and highlight when to use one versus the other.

Secure Networking for Openshift

The Kubernetes network model defines a flat network in which pod connectivity is unimpeded, with no restrictions on what traffic is allowed to or from each pod. To make a cluster production ready you need to make this networking secure. Network Policy is the primary tool for doing this and is essential to understand before considering moving a cluster to production.