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January 2023

Passkeys for Infrastructure

I predict that 2023 will be the year of Passkeys. Passkeys are a new passwordless authentication method allowing users to create online accounts and sign in without entering a password. Passkeys have been years in the making and finally, industry fido alliance collaboration (fido2) and the adoption between Apple, Microsoft, and Google have now made it a reality. Passkeys leverage the WebAuthn API to let users log into various websites and applications.

Getting Started With Teleport Desktop Access

In this video, we'll configure Teleport and Active Directory to provide secure, passwordless access to Windows desktops. In addition, you get Teleport's RBAC system to control access to these Windows desktops, support for copying and pasting to and from remote hosts, as well as Teleport auditing capabilities to capture logs and recordings of all desktop connections.