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February 2021

XSS Attack Examples and Mitigations

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is an attack that allows JavaScript from one site to run on another. XSS is interesting not due to the technical difficulty of the attack but rather because it exploits some of the core security mechanisms of web browsers and because of its sheer pervasiveness. Understanding XSS and its mitigations provides substantial insight into how the web works and how sites are safely (and unsafely) isolated from each other.

SaaS Design Principles with Kubernetes

It seems like nowadays, every company is a SaaS company. We’ve even begun stratifying by what is sold, replacing the “software” in SaaS to whatever the product’s core competency is, search-as-a-service, chat-as-a-service, video-as-a-service. So, when we, at Teleport, set sail for the cloud after years of successfully navigating on-prem software, we came in with a different set of experiences.