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July 2022

How to Shape OPA Data for Policy Performance

In Tim Hinrich’s prior blog titled the Three-Body Problem for Policy, he dives into the interconnected relationship between policy, data and software. He identifies a key consideration when using OPA — that “policies can only be evaluated when provided with the correct data.” The full blog is well worth the read to better understand the role of data and its correctness in your policy implementation.

Automatic Kubernetes Data Replication with Open Policy Agent (Part 1)

Open Policy Agent (OPA) is widely used to provide security and compliance policy guardrails for Kubernetes. The built-in role-based access controls in Kubernetes are not sufficient for fine-grained policy. OPA is a proven solution for implementing strong, granular policy checks for cluster resources during Admission Control. OPA users implement fine-grained policy in the form of rules written in Rego, the declarative policy language of OPA.

How to Enforce Fine-Grained Authorization in Microservices

The shift from monolithic architectures to microservices poses complex authorization challenges to development teams. In this article, we look at how to enforce fine-grained access control in cloud-native environments as we make a case for a dynamic approach to authorization in microservices. Key takeaways.

Best Practices for Kubernetes Security

Kubernetes (K8s) and its expansive ecosystem of cloud-native technologies have revolutionized the way applications are built and run. While the adoption of Kubernetes has opened the door to big gains in business agility, scalability and efficiency, it also introduces complex new security challenges that affect platform engineers and developers alike.

Introducing Styra Run: A New, Holistic Approach To Authorization For SaaS Developers

Modern SaaS applications power the world’s most iconic businesses, and with hundreds of billions of dollars of annual revenue at stake, speed to market without compromising secure operation and access control is essential. Authorization for multi-tenant SaaS applications enables end-users to control ‘who’ and ‘what’ can interact with the application.

The Guide to Kubernetes Compliance

Kubernetes (K8s) has achieved undeniable mainstream status, with 96% of organizations currently evaluating or already using this technology, according to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). This popularity also brings growing scrutiny over Kubernetes compliance standards and audits, in light of how Kubernetes and cloud native technologies demand a very different approach to security.

4 Best Practices for Microservices Authorization

There are unquestionable advantages to cloud native technologies, but significant challenges as well. Case in point: microservices authorization. Microservices have, for many companies, become the architecture of choice for cloud native apps — whether for migrating legacy apps or building new cloud native applications.