Ultimate Protection: CyberArk Secure Browser & Proofpoint Anti-Phishing Integration | CyberArk

Ultimate Protection: CyberArk Secure Browser & Proofpoint Anti-Phishing Integration | CyberArk

Jun 12, 2024

Discover the next level of web security with the CyberArk Secure Browser! In this video, we dive into the powerful features of CyberArk's Secure Browser, designed to provide:

🔒 Granular Policy Controls
🛡️ Data Exfiltration Prevention
👀 Session Monitoring
🔑 Credential Security
🔐 Privacy Enforcement

But that's not all! We also explore how combining CyberArk's Secure Browser with Proofpoint's industry-leading anti-phishing capabilities offers users comprehensive, real-time protection against phishing sites attempting to steal credentials and sensitive data.

Stay safe online with the ultimate security duo. Watch now to learn how you can protect your web browsing activities and sensitive information from cyber threats.

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