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Are Bots Threatening Travel in 2021? | On-demand Webinar

The last 12 months have seen the travel industry shut down almost completely as borders were closed, and the global population was brought to a standstill, locked in their own homes. As the industry looks to reopen over the coming months, cybersecurity must be a high priority in the hospitality and travel industry, as bots look to disrupt hotel bookings, staycations and international travel.

The biggest threats to your brand in 2021

Last year saw an unprecedented scale of cyber-attacks and data breaches facilitated and accelerated by Covid-19, from scalper bots targeting the PS5 launch to Twitter’s high-profile hack in July. Cybercriminals are upping the ante to capitalise on increased online activity, and automated technology is set to play a huge part in the defence against bot attacks in 2021.

The rising bot threat to media, marketplaces and video gaming

Over recent years, botnet attacks have hit platforms hard with their mass destruction approach to cyber-attacks. However, the tide has turned, and automated bot technology now makes targeted attacks infinitely quicker and simpler to carry out, exposing online gaming and streaming businesses to greater threats. The challenge lies in accurately identifying these highly targeted automated bot attacks that are designed to hide in plain sight, masquerading as genuine users, before they can carry out malicious activity such as credential stuffing, fake account creation and scraping.

Are APIs the Gateway for Credential Stuffing Attacks?

FinTechs have emerged as the digital-first answer to transforming the banking industry. Legislation such as the EU’s PSD2 and the UK’s Open Banking have cemented their place in the financial services environment, while removing much of the red tape that surrounds financial services to encourage collaboration and ensure security by design. Much of this collaboration is facilitated by open APIs, but what do we know about the API layer and security vulnerabilities that threaten your FinTech when it is exposed?

Who is responsible for bot management | Webinar series part-3

At Netacea, we wanted to know just how aware businesses are of bots and if they fully understand the threat to their organisation. Which roles are responsible, how confident are they in their bot mitigation strategies, and how well-placed is this confidence? We surveyed 200 enterprise businesses across travel, entertainment (including online gaming and streaming), e-commerce and financial services to get a broad picture of how bots are understood and protected against.