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Data Localization: Definition, Benefits and Challenges

With the increase in privacy regulations, data localization is a rapidly growing concern for companies. With the right strategies and tools in place, companies can ensure their data remains secure and compliant with privacy laws while also benefiting from its localization. In this blog, we’ll explore what data localization is, the benefits and challenges, and how using the right set of tools can help.

Vendor Risk Management: Benefits, Process, Software, and Tools

Vendor risk management (VRM) is a process that helps businesses manage the risks associated with their vendors. This includes assessing how well their vendors are performing, identifying potential problems early, and taking appropriate action to mitigate any damage.

Data Subject Access Request (DSAR): The Meaning, Procedures, and Challenges

Privacy is the individual’s right to control the use of their personal data, and DSAR is the mechanism by which individuals can enforce this right. This right to their own information, as used by an organization, is guaranteed by privacy laws like Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). If your organization collects and uses personal data, especially for European or Californian customers, you should be prepared to respond to DSARs.

What is Compliance in Healthcare: Definition, Regulations, and Solutions

Compliance in healthcare is a critical component to preserving the sanctity of modern society. Compliance in any industry ensures adherence to a minimum set of requirements to ensure quality of service; while undoubtedly important everywhere, it’s more so in healthcare due to its direct impact on human lives. For example, while financial compliance secures the safety of our funds, healthcare compliance ensures the safety of our personal selves.

Secure your code and protect your data flows with Riscosity and Semgrep

Semgrep is a leading static application security testing (SAST) tool powered by an open-source community for surfacing bugs, discovering vulnerabilities, and enforcing code standards. Semgrep has scanned over 75 million packages, contributed to 2000 community rules, and supports over 30 coding languages. Riscosity is the leading data flow observability and security platform. This is why we’re excited to announce Ricosity’s new integration with Semgrep.

A Comprehensive Guide to Open-Source Security

Open source security is a term used to describe the process of protecting your organization’s data and network from attack by using open-source software. It refers to the use of open-source software (OSS) for data protection. Open source software is free to use, meaning that anyone can access it without paying fees. This allows organizations to take advantage of the collective knowledge and experience of thousands of people who have contributed code or worked on projects together.

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM): The Meaning, Importance, and How it Works

DSPM or Data Security Posture Management is the modern approach to securing the information ecosystem. It represents a pivotal shift from the traditional castle-and-moat approach focused on IT devices to one that is focused on data.