Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


New and Sophisticated Cyber Threats: CVM Advising on Protection

Chuck Veth, CEO of CVM, and his team, advise leaders in manufacturing, finance, education, pharmaceuticals, food service, and more on solutions to protect their networks. Their customers trust that they have their best interest at heart and that when they advise them, it's advising them as mentors and not just as salespeople. In today's world, your network is vulnerable to people all around the globe. And they're patient, slowly finding more and more information, so when they actually perform the attack, it's debilitating. It's not just a bunch of encrypted files.

Jay Peak: Proactively Preventing Threats to Ensure Operational Stability

On any given day Jay Peak, a Four Seasons Ski Resort in Vermont, has more than 6,000 devices on their network. IT touches just about every facet of the guest and business experience, from network security and point of sale, to building infrastructure and management. It's the responsibility of IT to ensure the entire operation is functioning, 24/7. As a small staff how do they proactively protect their business and guests against potential threats?

A Partnership Protecting Critical Infrastructure: Centripetal and Dynics

Threat activity today is incredibly high, and industrial infrastructure is a primary target. Centripetal and Dynics are partnering to combine IT and OT expertise to better protect critical infrastructure and industrial control systems across the United States.

The Centripetal CleanINTERNET Service

CleanINTERNET is an innovative, nextgen threat intelligence service for overstretched and outmanned SecOps teams who need a better way to help prevent known attacks, evolving attacks, and zero-day threats. Unlike existing security defenses, like nextgen firewalls, traditional threat intelligence, and IDS/IPS tools that are too reactive, require expensive threat hunting skills, and force organizations to choose between full security and network performance.

How Centripetal CleanINTERNET Works

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) enables organizations to understand the current and potential threats to their business. For most, CTI’s full potential has been elusive. Until now. Zero-trust inspection and advanced shielding of all inbound and outbound traffic, powered by proactive intelligence, is the most effective strategy for network security today and is the driving force behind our industry-leading research and almost 60 patented technologies.

The University of New Orleans: Protecting The Future

Universities are becoming a primary target for ransomware. In 2020 alone, 26 major universities were hit locking valuable research and requiring an average payout of over $450,000. The loss of this type of research and data is colossal. How is the University of New Orleans protecting the future of tomorrow and mitigating threats?