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When's the Right Time for an Open Source Audit?

How much do you really know about your open source usage? Can you identify what open source components you’re using? How about which licenses are in play and whether you’re compliant? Do you have a good sense of how many open source security vulnerabilities are in your code base and how to remediate them? Chances are, if you’re like most organizations, you can’t answer all of these questions.

What Are The Most Secure Programming Languages

Behind every developer is a beloved programming language. In heated debates over which language is the best, the security card will come into play in support of one language or discredit another. We decided to address this debate and put it to the test by researching WhiteSource's comprehensive database. We focused on open source security vulnerabilities in C, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, and C++, to find out which programming languages are most secure, which vulnerability types (CWEs) are most common in each language, and why.

Software Development Life Cycle: Finding a Model That Works

Waterfall. Agile. Scrum. Kanban. Lean. These words are often thrown around when talking about the software development life cycle (SDLC), but what do they mean and how do they relate to each other? In this blog, we’ll take a look at the evolution of the software development life cycle and consider several current trends.

WhiteSource Attribution Report: New Features

We are excited to announce the immediate availability of WhiteSource’s new attribution report. Our attribution report gives you insight into the compliance requirements of your open source components, including detailed data on your licenses, copyrights, and notices. WhiteSource’s new attribution report features numerous enhancements to the overall user experience.

CI/CD and the Promise of Agile Transformation

Continuous integration/continuous delivery, more commonly known as CI/CD, promises to help software companies become more agile by delivering software faster and more reliably. The goal of CI/CD is to reduce software development and delivery timelines from months or weeks down to days or even hours. It does this by pushing frequent updates and fixes regardless of size and using automation tools to help the process run smoothly.

June 2020 Open Source Security Vulnerabilities Snapshot

It’s time for June’s open source vulnerabilities snapshot, your monthly overview of everything new in the fast-paced world of open source security vulnerabilities. In hopes of giving you this month-at-a-glance summary of current trends in the open source ecosystem, our trusted research team reviewed the new open source security vulnerabilities published in May and collected by the WhiteSource database.

AppSec: Pushing Left, Like A Boss

With incident response and penetration testing currently receiving most of our application security dollars, it would appear that industry has decided to treat the symptom instead of the disease. “Pushing left” refers to starting security earlier in the SDLC; addressing the problem throughout the process. From scanning your code with a vulnerability scanner to red team exercises, developer education programs and bug bounties, this talk will show you how to ‘push left', like a boss.

Developers Are Taking Over AppSec

Developers across the industry are stepping up to take more responsibility for their code's vulnerability management. In this report we discuss trends in how security is shifting left to the earliest stages of development, putting the power developers in the front seat. We explore the growth of automated tools aimed at helping developers do more with fewer resources and look for answers on what is needed to help close the gap from detection to remediation.

Vulnerability Prioritization Through The Eyes Of Hackers

Software development teams are constantly bombarded with an increasingly high number of security alerts. Unfortunately, there is currently no agreed-upon strategy or a straightforward process for vulnerabilities' prioritization. This results in a lot of valuable development time wated on assessing vulnerabilities, while the critical security issues remain unattended.