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Six key findings from the 'DevSecOps Practices and Open Source Management in 2020' report

This week Synopsys released the “DevSecOps Practices and Open Source Management in 2020” report, findings from a survey of 1,500 IT professionals working in cyber security, software development, software engineering, and web development. The report explores the strategies that organizations around the world are using to address open source vulnerability management, as well as the problem of outdated or abandoned open source components in commercial code.

Gazing into the crystal ball: A look at 2021 software security predictions

Experts share their 2021 software security predictions about DevSecOps adoption, the risks of social engineering and ransomware, cloud adoption, and more. Anybody who made predictions a year ago about 2020 could be forgiven for feeling a bit like the TV weather forecaster who got a note from an angry viewer telling him, “I just shoveled six inches of ‘partly cloudy’ off my driveway.”

Fuzzing Bitcoin with the Defensics SDK, part 1: Create your network

This is the first part of a two-part advanced technical tutorial that describes how you can use the Defensics SDK to set up your own Bitcoin network. This is the first of two articles that describe how to use the Defensics® software development kit (SDK) to fuzz Bitcoin software. Specifically, you’ll learn how to model one of the Bitcoin network protocol messages and use the Defensics SDK to perform fuzzing on the bitcoind process.

Configure security tools for effective DevSecOps

Managing security vulnerabilities and false positives is a challenge in today’s DevSecOps environment. Configure the right tools correctly to avoid overload. To do a job well, you need the right tools. But it’s just as important—perhaps even more so—to use those tools correctly. A hammer will make things worse in your construction project if you’re trying to use it as a screwdriver or a drill. The same is true in software development.

AppSec Decoded: The consequences of insecure IoT devices

Watch the latest video in our AppSec Decoded series to learn why manufacturers should consider building security into their IoT devices. Application Security Decoded: Manufacturers should build security into their IoT devices | Synopsys - YouTube An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.

20/20 hindsight shows that foresight wasn't 20/20

In a year marked by unprecedented challenges, we revisit the 2020 cyber security predictions to see which projections held up and which ones didn’t. ’Tis the season. No, we’re not talking about the holidays—Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and others. In the world of cyber, ’tis the season for speculation. Every year around this time, experts dust off their crystal balls and tell us what to expect in the coming year.

Automotive threat analysis and risk assessment method

The TARA method provides risk evaluation, assessment, treatment, and planning for identified risks. Learn how to apply this method to the ISO SAE 21434 standard. In our earlier blog posts we covered the ISO SAE 21434 standard, including the organizational cyber security plan as well as the cyber security assurance levels in depth. We will now look at the impact calculation and detailed threat analysis and risk assessment (TARA) coverage within this new standard.

Can your security keep pace in a DevOps environment?

There’s a growing need for both security and speed in application development. DevSecOps introduces security earlier in the SDLC to ensure secure code. Comparing the speed of software development today to even just a decade ago is a bit like comparing a bullet train to a bicycle. With CI/CD and DevOps now mainstream, it’s faster by orders of magnitude.