Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


BSIMM11 tracks top trends in market activity

If you want to stay current, you have to keep up with what’s trending, no matter if it’s politics, healthcare, education, finance, or entertainment. Or software security, which in a connected world is behind everything on that list above. Software isn’t just important, it’s essential. The world as we know it wouldn’t function or even exist without it.

BSIMM11: Tracking the cutting edge of software security initiatives

The Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM)—the annual report on the evolution of software security initiatives (SSIs)—is gaining some maturity itself. The latest report, which went public this week, is the 11th iteration. Some things haven’t changed. The fundamental goal remains what it was at the start, more than a decade ago.

Build Security Into Your SDLC With Coverity

Are your developers getting discouraged by too many false positives from security tools that slow them down? You need a solution that boosts their productivity, finds real vulnerabilities, and provides expert remediation guidance. Coverity will help you achieve this and more. Learn how you can assess the ROI of implementing Coverity into your SDLC, quickly build secure applications, and accelerate your software velocity.

Overcoming the 6 Most Common Threat Modeling Misconceptions

Threat modeling promotes the idea of thinking like an attacker. It enables organization to build software with security considerations, rather than addresssing security as an afterthought. However, there are some very common misconceptions tha can cause firms to lose their grip around the threat modeling process. This eBook shines a light onto the essentials and helps to get your bearings straight with all things related to threat modeling.