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Will Cybersecurity Jobs Be Automated?

The answer is yes and no. While cybersecurity automation is necessary in today’s vast threat landscape, its current functionality will not replace the role of cybersecurity professionals. The use of cybersecurity automation is undoubtedly on the rise. A 2021 global Statista survey found that 35.9% of global survey respondents reported using a high level of automation in security operations and event/alert processing.

The Difference Between Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking is a field within cybersecurity where security experts assume the role of an unauthorized user and attempt to gain access to a private network or computer. These exercises aim to help targets identify any security vulnerabilities that could be exploited in a real cyberattack. Cybersecurity professionals utilize non-invasive methods, such as risk assessments, audits, and security questionnaires, to discover security risks.

What is the Primary Method for Protecting Sensitive Data?

Securing sensitive data in today’s digital world has become increasingly complex and challenging, especially if parties practice poor data management, network security, encryption methods, or endpoint protection. As cyber attacks continue to grow, it’s absolutely necessary to maintain stronger cybersecurity practices.

What Constitutes a Data Breach?

A data breach occurs when sensitive data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen, or accessed by an unauthorized individual. For a security incident to constitute a data breach, the exposure of sensitive data must be intentional. The presence of intent differentiates a data breach from a data leak, where exposure is accidental. A data leak occurs when data is accidentally exposed through a vulnerability, such as weak passwords.

What is the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)?

In November of 2021, President Joe Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) which authorizes a plan to invest $1.2 trillion into the nation's infrastructure. This bipartisan infrastructure bill plans to bolster the transportation, energy, water, utility sectors, and state and local governments. An important provision within the IIJA is the allocation of $2 billion towards enhancing the cybersecurity of government organizations.

Can Macs Get Ransomware? Examples + Prevention Strategies

Many of the most prolific ransomware attacks to hit the news, such as Wannacry and Petya in 2017, affected PC users only. The distinct absence of Apple computers in the long list of victims has many Mac users wondering if ransomware attacks are a cyber threat they need to worry about. Can ransomware affect Macs? Short answer: Yes. While rare, security researchers have noted examples of Mac-compatible ransomware variants.

Biggest Data Breaches in US History [Updated 2022]

Everyone is at risk of a data breach or cyber attack, no matter how small or large a company is. Hackers and cybercriminals come up with new ways every day to steal sensitive information or personal data that they can potentially sell or ransom for money. According to a report published by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), a record number of 1862 data breaches occurred in 2021 in the US.

What Are The Different Fields In Cybersecurity?

‍Cybersecurity is a broad term that describes the practice of securing and protecting all computer systems, devices, and programs in an IT environment from cyber attacks or cyber threats. However, within the field of cybersecurity, there are many different specializations that individuals can choose for their career paths.