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Under the Sheets, Practical Android Static Analysis

First off, before we get into the technical details of attacking applications, a few housekeeping bits must be understood. This blog is aimed at technical individuals that already understand at a basic level Android development and architecture, aiming to give security testers and application developers an insight into the ways an attacker may interrogate code to achieve some form of compromise.

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The Battlefield vs Red Teaming - Where the Skills Collide!

It was early 2003 in central Iraq, a couple of hours before dawn, 30 degree heat, and everything had a green tint through the night vision goggles. I was on an operation with a team from the US Psychological Operations forces (psyops) and an ODA (Operational Detachment Alpha) from the US Special Forces. We'd spent days gathering HUMINT (Human Intelligence) and undertaking reconnaissance on the target. The ODA team was set up for the assault, the psyops were ready to run diversionary tactics and I was on the team providing comms and perimeter security. Authorisation was given from above, the operation began, and the sky lit up with tracer rounds.

Respect in Security

It used to be that technological innovations such as the internet made the world smaller and bought us all closer together. Sadly, that augmented ability to reach others brought with it a new avenue for unwanted and unpleasant interactions. In 2021, a study by Sapio Research on behalf of Respect in Security, showed around one third of cybersecurity professionals claimed to have personal experience of harassment, either online or in the workplace.

Colonial Pipeline Hack - What Can We Learn?

It has been reported that the hack that took down the largest fuel pipeline in the United States and led to fuel shortages across the whole of the East Coast was the result of a single compromised password that was leaked on the Dark Web through a data breach. On April 29th 2021, hackers gained access to the network of Colonial Pipeline Co. via a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection that allowed the hacker remote access to the corporate network.