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The Impact of New Federal Banking Regulation

Let’s talk about the new federal bank regulation that goes into effect in April 2022. It will require organizations to notify about a breach within 36 hours, which is the shortest breach notification reporting requirement of any law to date. The clock starts ticking when the organization determines that an incident has occurred. A serious computer incident is usually defined as an incident that materially disrupts or degrades the performance of an organization.

What We Can Learn From SolarWinds Security Breach

65% of cyber attacks today happen due to the negligence of a third party. SolarWinds security breach is a good example of that. In this case, hackers used a method known as a supply chain attack to insert malicious code into their Orion System. From there, they managed to crack into the SolarWinds network and put malware into the environment. SolarWinds did a great job following up on this. They made significant improvements and are currently rated as a B by SecurityScorecard.

What is Incident Response?

Creating an incident response plan is mission-critical for modern organizations. As threat actors continuously evolve their attack methodologies, organizations need the people, processes, and technologies that allow them to rapidly respond to a security incident. According to research, attacks have increased by 15% since 2019.

We Need a New Risk Management Approach to Secure Critical Infrastructure Against Russian Cyber Threats

A democratized approach to cybersecurity risk management that leverages continuous monitoring and public-private partnerships is overdue, and critical, for today’s cyber threat environment.

Zhadnost strikes again... this time in Finland.

SecurityScorecard (SSC) has identified a DDoS attack which targeted the websites of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense. SSC discovered more than 350 bots, mainly located in Bangladesh and African countries, which are now considered to be part of the Zhadnost botnet, previously discovered by SSC in March.

What To Do If You Think Your Company Has Been Hacked

Nearly every day, it seems like you’re reading about another data breach in the news. Between ransomware attacks and nation-state actors, you can’t rely on the old “trust but verify” adage anymore. Cyber resilience isn’t about preventing all threats, it’s about creating a security program that allows you to identify, investigate, contain, and mitigate threats quickly and effectively.

Cybersecurity Tips for Healthcare Organizations

“Why do ransomware attackers target healthcare companies so often?” Here are 2 reasons why: Goldmine of personal information: If you look on the dark web, the price of a stolen credit card would be $5 for a validated card. But the price of personal information (passport, social security number, etc.) could range from $400 to $6,500 per person because you can create a fake identity and use it to create accounts in various places.

Water Sector Cybersecurity Requirements

Water Sector Cybersecurity Requirements Policymakers and regulators in Washington are bringing their attention now to water utilities’ cybersecurity. Last month, the White House announced it was expanding its public-private cybersecurity partnership to the water sector. Separately, in December of 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced an evaluation of regulations related to the public water system’s cybersecurity, which will change in April.

5 Cyber Hygiene Best Practices

Here are 5 cyber hygiene best practices to safeguard yourself from hackers: Hackers know your external look and feel better than you do. So you must constantly rediscover how you appear to the adversaries and take actions to safeguard yourself. A lot of hacks happen by exploiting vulnerabilities that have not been patched instead of being zero-day attacks. So you need to patch your software regularly.

Scary kids scaring kids: An update on the arrest of Lapsus$ group members

One would be hard pressed to find anyone working today in the cybersecurity world that has not yet heard of Lapsus$, an emerging cyber-crime group with big claims of breaching the likes of high-profile companies Microsoft, Samsung, NVIDIA, and Okta amongst others.