Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Job-to-be-Done: Quickly resolve exposures and vulnerabilities

It’s not unlikely that your team has a sufficient amount of vulnerability data that they must assess, prioritize, and remediate. Whether that’s a newly discovered vulnerability, an expired SSL certificate, or even a security policy breach – security teams need to get all this data into one place. For AppSec and ProdSec teams to be successful, they need to know which of their assets are exposed and vulnerable so they can take action to enable faster remediation.

Jobs-to-be-Done: See the current state of security and understand what is exposed and how it has evolved over time

New assets, vulnerabilities, and even human errors like server misconfigurations make a continuously updated overview non-negotiable. AppSec and ProdSec teams must take action on newly discovered vulnerabilities and policy breaches quickly and efficiently. Prioritizing which vulnerabilities and risks to remediate first and having this information all in one place will help security teams get the latest insights about their attack surface immediately.

Introducing Jobs-to-be-Done: a way to help our users achieve their goals

As a security practitioner, the scope and responsibilities of your role have likely changed over the last few years. This is likely an accumulation of: But what hasn’t changed? Regardless of any new scope or responsibilities, you still have a set of things you need to accomplish and get done that are the most important to you.

Improvements to the IP page - more flexibility and new methods to interact with data

We know how frustrating it can be to discover new assets that don’t follow your internal security policies, such as using a geolocation that isn’t allowed or even a sudden spike in hosting from an approved country. These exposures can put your organization at risk, especially since they often go undetected and are challenging to split with automation. That’s why we’re excited to see so many of our customers use our new IP page.

Spot risks with our new IP view

Customers often tell us of instances where someone in their team spins up a new machine that isn’t using an approved geolocation, or that they see an unexpected spike in hosting from a particular country. These anomalies can put an organization at risk, especially since they are difficult to spot in an automated way.

Here's how External Attack Surface Management and Penetration Testing compare

“How does Detectify’s External Attack Surface Management platform compare to Penetration testing” or “What I’m really looking for is Penetration testing” are two statements we often hear when talking to prospects. We know that many of you are keen to understand how EASM compares with Penetration testing (Pen testing), so we’re exploring these two methodologies side-by-side.

Challenges when implementing an AWS multi-account strategy

Implementing an AWS multi-account strategy is a popular approach that helps organizations to manage their cloud resources efficiently. In my previous post, I discussed our reasons for implementing an AWS multi-account strategy, our journey, and some of the benefits we gained as an organization. However, implementing this strategy can come with its fair share of challenges.