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Information Security Controls | Different Types and Purpose Explained

Information security controls are a critical aspect of information technology and an integral part of safeguarding your company’s data. This video provides an overview of the types and purposes of different security controls, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and encryption.

Security risks of Cloud Computing | Threats, Issues and Challenges

Cloud computing is the latest buzzword in the IT world. It's often touted as a cost-saving, high-performance alternative to traditional on-site data storage solutions. But there are risks involved with cloud computing that you need to be aware of before jumping into this new technology! In this video, I'll discuss some different threats, issues and challenges related to security for companies who are considering moving their data up into the cloud or have already done so.

What is Security as a Service? Advantages and Use of SECaas

Cyber security is a serious concern for businesses in the digital age. It is not uncommon these days to see businesses spending big amounts on security solutions that are difficult to maintain and even more expensive to upgrade. For this reason, security as a service (SECaaS) has gained traction because it allows businesses to outsource their security needs reliably without having to go through the hassle of investing in resources and solutions.

What are Zero day Attacks? - A Comprehensive Guide

Cyber threats and attacks are a growing issue for businesses because the amount of vulnerabilities has increased. The volume of global malware has risen 58% annually, and the volume of spam has risen by more than one-third in the past 12 months. These issues have made it more difficult for employees to focus on what they need to do. Zero-day attacks in cyber security are one such challenge for security teams around the world.

Data Protection Healthcare and Social Care | How to Store Information

The Data Protection Act is an important part of the cyber domain and legislation for anyone working in health and social care. It governs how to protect the information in health and social care. This blog post will explore the implications of the act on healthcare professionals, patients and other individuals who may have dealings with you as an organisation or individual providing care to others and the importance of protecting sensitive data in health and social care.

What is Malware? Types of Malware Explained

What is malware? Malware is a type of computer virus that can infiltrate your system and steal personal information, delete files, or hold your device for ransom. In this video, I'll explain the different types of malware: spyware, adware, and ransomware etc. Cyphere is a UK-based cyber security services provider helping organisations to secure their most prized assets. We provide technical risk assessment (pen testing/ethical hacking) and managed security services. This advice is a true third party opinion, free from any vendor inclinations or reselling objectives.